I went to an allergist appointment a while back and he asked me a series of questions about home, work, and life. They were all things I expected, but near the end of the interview, he asked, so other than working and caring for a toddler what do you do, what are your hobbies? (apparently, people have hobbies that can introduce allergens) Hobbies? Who has time for hobbies? I think I muttered something about going to the gym, but it got me thinking. Here are some hobbies I've tried and how they went, or didn't, as well as some reasons to give them a try. Photography- I loved taking pictures as a kid and took photography classes. I had a...
We got our nugget from my parents for Christmas 2019. I had seen one friend mention getting it for her son on Facebook, and I told my mom I thought it would be a fun gift for my boys for Christmas. This was before I really saw all the hype surrounding them and the demand for them skyrocketed. Now there are waitlists, lotteries and backorders…or people selling them in Facebook groups for double the price. When you go to Google and type “nugget,” the first thing that pops up is their website.In case you don’t know what a nugget is, let me explain. According to their own website, the nugget is “the infinitely configurable play couch made up of...
Early 2020: If you were like me, TikTok sounded like a playground for teens and those in their early 20’s. Catchy songs and dances were the last thing on my mind back then. I was more focused on virtual schooling our two children and the financial well-being of our family. Hard pass on the Savage Love. I needed sanity and clarity more than I needed to learn how to dance with my arms like my 12 year old does. Then, for whatever reason mid-year, I downloaded it. Probably out of desperation for a change in scenery. I fully expected to hate it as much as that other social media platform with the ghost as its icon. I literally could not...
Here in the south we all know the drill: watch the forecast, make an evacuation plan, stock up on supplies. We know to put our patio furniture in the garage and pull our potted plants inside. We have estimating how much gas to get for the generator down to a science. Even with all these preparations, one thing remains … what do we do with our bored children? They can’t play outside and many have had more weather related school closures this year than ever before. And scarier than any Halloween spook is the threat of no electricity and (gasp!) no WiFi. So while you’re out and about gathering supplies for this latest storm, here are a few extras you...
I love doing jigsaw puzzles. It’s one of my favorite pastimes, aside from reading. I didn’t really start thinking about why I loved them so much until the “stay-at-home” order was in place and all I wanted to do was a puzzle. Some would maybe argue that completing a jigsaw puzzle is tedious and stressful work, some may be overwhelmed by the idea of connecting lots of little pieces together to make a whole, but then there are people like me, who obsess and thrive off of the benefits that come with completing a puzzle.  So what is it that’s so addicting to us jigsaw puzzle-lovers?  #1 :: It helps you relax and practice mindfulness My favorite thing to do is to...

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Best Places to Order Catered Thanksgiving Dinner in Baton Rouge

Best Places to Order Catered Thanksgiving Dinner in Baton Rouge The holiday season is upon us! In all the chaos, so many of us are...