
Baton Rouge marriage help

Being a great mother isn’t just about putting the kids first. It is also about pursuing your career if desired, finding free time for pursuing your own hobbies (even if that’s a workout corner at home) and fostering an environment where everyone is comfortable. Of course, it can admittedly be challenging to find time for marriage amidst motherhood, but at Red Stick Mom we aren’t afraid to discuss healthy relationships, divorce, dating and even your sex life. Whether your children were conceived naturally, became a part of your family through adoption or were welcomed after miraculous IVF, it can be hard to stay patient with the kids and our partners at the same time.

At Red Stick Mom, our team of 25+ local Baton Rouge mom writers have a ton to discuss with regards to marriage and relationships, as we all know that good relationships take intention, hard work and many times a healthy dose of therapy.

Keeping your marriage and relationships healthy and fun can be extremely hard, but at Red Stick Mom, we also believe that it is 100% possible with a little bit of effort and a great (and honest) mom community around you. Whether it’s a fun night hanging out at home, or getting out of the house to enjoy one of the best restaurants in Baton Rouge, we understand that sometimes you just need a nudge to enjoy time with your partner.

We’ve got ideas on how to keep a strong circle of friends and family, whether it’s ways to bring new people into your life or how to keep toxic people out of your life. We’ve also got thoughts on how to find time for marriage and relationships while maintaining a tough schedule

The women at Red Stick Mom are Baton Rouge moms who understand the pressure of raising kids while also trying to make marriage work! They are willing to share everything from the book that will change your sex life, to what it’s like to raise kids as a single mom, to navigating grief amidst your marriage and motherhood.  

I have always been told that I am obviously an extrovert. Friends and acquaintances like to talk about how I feed off of socialization. People see me as completely and inarguably extroverted because that is the part of my personality that is seen and gets the most attention. However, thinking of people either as an extrovert or an introvert isn’t an either/or situation, we are all somewhere along that spectrum. For me, that spectrum is a balancing act straight down the middle. Being an Extroverted Introvert is sometimes challenging for ourselves as well as the people that love us. Here are a few things you should know if you love an Extroverted Introvert. We would rather have one on one real...
Comparisons are a thief of joy. No one knows what is going on in the perfectly designed homes we see on Instagram or what the husband who tags his wife in various romantic articles on Facebook is really like. While I would love to spend my days sipping coffee while doing Bible Study and taking photos of me clipping flowers in my sink (you know what photos I'm talking about), that isn't life. That isn't real.  A few weeks ago, while scrolling through Instagram, I saw a photo of a woman who took a photo of herself in front of a mirror wearing next to nothing. One of the comments was "I wish I could be you, even if it was...

Guarding Your Marriage

I'm a left-leaning Christian from California and I didn't vote for this current Administration. Lately, I've been hearing a lot of hoopla over how Vice President Mike Pence will not dine alone with a woman or attend events with alcohol without her. I know very little else about the man besides his politics, but I've got to tell you, I've got nothing but mad respect for how he guards his marriage. I didn't become a Christian until I moved to the South about four years ago. I had grown up in the church but left in college because it had never really "clicked" for me. So when I first began attending church in Louisiana and meeting couples who had similar...
I'm one of those moms who seems to be able to do it all. I admittedly have a lot on my plate, and while it may seem ironic, I've only ever added more the longer I've been working. Like many of us, I parent, work full-time, volunteer with different organizations, have hobbies, and even kick back and let my hair down whenever I want to. Over the years, I've mastered the art of balancing all of my interests right along with raising my children. But none of this could ever happen without my husband, my partner. He and I are both very independent people. We joke all the time that, as cruel as it may sound, neither of us needs the...

Being a Newlywed (Again)

A year and a half ago my husband and I got married so I suppose you could say, technically we’re still in the “newlywed” stage. But given our circumstances, this stage has certainly been accelerated. This is because both my husband and I have been married (not to each other) and divorced before. We met at work and after a few years we decided to get married over boudin balls and streetcars. No fancy proposal and not even a ring, and I wanted it that way. When I told family and friends we were going to get married I don’t think they even believed me. We jetted off about 6 months later to San Francisco and eloped at City Hall....

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