
Baton Rouge marriage help

Being a great mother isn’t just about putting the kids first. It is also about pursuing your career if desired, finding free time for pursuing your own hobbies (even if that’s a workout corner at home) and fostering an environment where everyone is comfortable. Of course, it can admittedly be challenging to find time for marriage amidst motherhood, but at Red Stick Mom we aren’t afraid to discuss healthy relationships, divorce, dating and even your sex life. Whether your children were conceived naturally, became a part of your family through adoption or were welcomed after miraculous IVF, it can be hard to stay patient with the kids and our partners at the same time.

At Red Stick Mom, our team of 25+ local Baton Rouge mom writers have a ton to discuss with regards to marriage and relationships, as we all know that good relationships take intention, hard work and many times a healthy dose of therapy.

Keeping your marriage and relationships healthy and fun can be extremely hard, but at Red Stick Mom, we also believe that it is 100% possible with a little bit of effort and a great (and honest) mom community around you. Whether it’s a fun night hanging out at home, or getting out of the house to enjoy one of the best restaurants in Baton Rouge, we understand that sometimes you just need a nudge to enjoy time with your partner.

We’ve got ideas on how to keep a strong circle of friends and family, whether it’s ways to bring new people into your life or how to keep toxic people out of your life. We’ve also got thoughts on how to find time for marriage and relationships while maintaining a tough schedule

The women at Red Stick Mom are Baton Rouge moms who understand the pressure of raising kids while also trying to make marriage work! They are willing to share everything from the book that will change your sex life, to what it’s like to raise kids as a single mom, to navigating grief amidst your marriage and motherhood.  

Yep. We flooded, too. I jokingly called that pic above our "floodie." It's our street, after we hiked it to our house to assess the damage. We're smiling because we're together - and WHAT ELSE ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO?!? I'm writing from my in-law's kitchen table after everyone is asleep. This is the ninth night away from my house and we haven't reached a new normal yet. My children aren't in their own beds and I'm headed for the pull-out sofa to join my husband after I finish this, but I'm SO thankful for a place where everyone is safe. I'll go to work again in the morning (first day back was yesterday) and come home to my husband...
I like to lovingly think of myself as a hot mess mom. I roll out of bed every morning way later than I want to admit. My hair is always a mess. I rarely wear makeup. I don't know how to cook. When I remember to put socks on my kids, they often don't match. And today, my 2-year-old's outfit consists of PJs and mismatched shoes. My point is, every day is a struggle and I'm barely surviving this whole "Mom" thing. Yet every evening, at around 6:30pm, sanity arrives at my house. Daddy comes home from work. My boys are better behaved. My husband cooks dinner. We have family time. And that overwhelming feeling that I live with every second of every...
I quit sleep training before I even started and that’s ok. I’m sure, not unlike many new mothers, I was totally unprepared for motherhood. I guess no one can really prepare you for what’s about to happen, but I was particularly not at all prepared for the physical and mental exhaustion. There were many days that I was so sleep deprived I could have fallen asleep standing up. Sleep was so very important to me; I’d give up food before sleep. I was also very honest about my position on bed sharing. My position was simply that there would be no bed sharing. I adore my children but I adore them even more when we all can retreat to our...
Any given day this mama is responsible for grocery shopping, laundry, dishes, cooking, dusting, vacuuming, bathrooms, and all the scrubbing in the whole house. Throw in homeschool lessons and chauffeuring two kiddos around town to all the activities under the sun, and you have one busy mama! Recently I wrote a blog post with a few tips to make laundry easier. The first Facebook comment was from a fellow Red Stick Moms contributor about how her husband does 50% of the laundry and household chores. My thought process was something like this, "HOLD UP! Your husband does what?! I'm sorta jealous." The comment gave me pause, and put the topic of gender roles and household duties in the forefront of...
There’s this sign on our dishwasher. It says "Clean" on one side and "Dirty" on the other. It’s worn and dirty (ironically, for one side) and old. It’s been there for years and years. We’ve only had two of those signs during the entire length of our marriage (14 years this year). I don’t know why, but I like to keep the same sign and watch it age.   It’s an effort in communication. Here’s how it works: if I start to empty the sink of dirty dishes but don’t have enough to finish filling the dishwasher, I leave the sign to read “dirty.” When my husband sees there are no dishes in the sink, but has a dirty dish to...

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Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

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