
Baton Rouge marriage help

Being a great mother isn’t just about putting the kids first. It is also about pursuing your career if desired, finding free time for pursuing your own hobbies (even if that’s a workout corner at home) and fostering an environment where everyone is comfortable. Of course, it can admittedly be challenging to find time for marriage amidst motherhood, but at Red Stick Mom we aren’t afraid to discuss healthy relationships, divorce, dating and even your sex life. Whether your children were conceived naturally, became a part of your family through adoption or were welcomed after miraculous IVF, it can be hard to stay patient with the kids and our partners at the same time.

At Red Stick Mom, our team of 25+ local Baton Rouge mom writers have a ton to discuss with regards to marriage and relationships, as we all know that good relationships take intention, hard work and many times a healthy dose of therapy.

Keeping your marriage and relationships healthy and fun can be extremely hard, but at Red Stick Mom, we also believe that it is 100% possible with a little bit of effort and a great (and honest) mom community around you. Whether it’s a fun night hanging out at home, or getting out of the house to enjoy one of the best restaurants in Baton Rouge, we understand that sometimes you just need a nudge to enjoy time with your partner.

We’ve got ideas on how to keep a strong circle of friends and family, whether it’s ways to bring new people into your life or how to keep toxic people out of your life. We’ve also got thoughts on how to find time for marriage and relationships while maintaining a tough schedule

The women at Red Stick Mom are Baton Rouge moms who understand the pressure of raising kids while also trying to make marriage work! They are willing to share everything from the book that will change your sex life, to what it’s like to raise kids as a single mom, to navigating grief amidst your marriage and motherhood.  

The average age of first marriage in the United States these days is 28, which is totally insane to me since that is the age I am right now and I've already been married for eight years. I was just 19 years old when I walked down the aisle and committed a lifetime to my partner, Dustin, and while that was undoubtedly one of the best decisions of my life, it's also one I wouldn't necessarily recommend to others. In fact, if our son comes home at 19 and says he's ready to propose to his partner, I'll probably fall out of my chair laughing. Dustin and I had been dating for about a year and a half when he proposed. I knew that I wanted...
“So when are you two going to have a baby?” It’s a question we hear on a regular basis. I’m not offended by it (I think), for I often ask myself the same thing. And I also know that what I have right now is really all I need and want. However, I have oscillated between the “when” and “if” recently because the desire has started to grow. Much more than when my son was first born 5 years ago and with all that surrounded the aftermath, there was no decision to be considered then. Impulsively during my transition into single motherhood and out of the infant stage, I rid my home of anything baby—clothes, gear, bottles— all donated with...
My heart is broken, and so is my marriage. They weren't broken all at once by some horrible act. Little pieces have been chipped away over time. Sometimes, I wish that giving up was an option. It's not, and I don't really want to, but I'm exhausted, and hope seems so out of reach. How do you cope when you are fighting for your marriage and your spouse seems to be going through the motions? But then, am I really fighting for us? Or fighting against him? Am I so used to being let down that I am expecting it, and jumping on any opportunity to complain? Or are we working on practical ways to bring us closer together? I really don't know....

Married to Parenthood

My husband and I recently celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary. As the date draws closer every year I’m always amazed at how, yet again, it seems as time has flown by. When we took our wedding vows on a rainy November day, we promised to become partners in life, and we have been from day one. New houses, new jobs, new cars, new bills; we’ve been through it all. More than any other daily life obstacle or celebration, the birth of our children and becoming parents has tested and strengthened our marriage the more than any other. With the birth of our first child we, like all new parents, were faced with the general challenges of caring for an infant...
In light of Father's Day this month, I find myself thinking about ways to celebrate my husband. Should I have our little one make him something? Do I do a grand gesture and buy him something expensive? Do we plan a special day and enjoy it together? As I am planning and thinking about the holiday, I can't help but think about the times when I haven't wanted to celebrate him. As we all know, marriage is tough. Sometimes (especially in the middle of the beginning), it gets REALLY tough. I used to spend a lot of time nit-picking every detail in our marriage, as if I were in a power struggle with my husband. When I finally remembered that we are a...

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