Disclosure :: affiliate links are included below. Greeting Card Upcycle :: Make Gift Tags I am notorious for not having a tag on a gift. I usually scramble around in the closet picking out a gift bag and coordinating (non-wrinkled) tissue to stuff in the gift bag, but then I'm left without a tag. For close family it's usually not an issue, I'll just shout out "it's from me, I didn't have a tag," but now that my kids are being invited to parties I need to do better. One day I'll get around to making those cute personalized stickers or square business cards as tags, but today is not that day. What I do have is an abundance of old greeting...
The Easiest Dinner You'll Ever Make I'm so tired of cooking; I don't mind doing it and while there are times I enjoy it during the week, I just wish I was doing something else. I want to spend those few, short, hours after school and work actually engaging with my kids and my husband, not standing at the stove while they talk and play. I want easy dinner, and no, not take out. I'm not against take out or dining out, it is a weekend staple, but my wallet and our health prefer home cooking. This chicken dish has become a go-to favorite, thanks to the variety of dishes we can create with it. It is not labor intensive, cooks...
The One Hobby I Did Not Have To Give Up As A Full-Time Working Mom When I first embarked on this dangerous journey we call motherhood, one of the first things I did was stop putting myself first. Feeling tired? The baby had to eat first. Feeling hungry? The baby needs a change first. Need a shower? The baby can’t be left alone, have to wait for my husband to come home. And the list goes on and on and on and on. After I began the habit of putting myself last, I also fell into a routine of not making time for the things I enjoyed. Before I had babies I was an avid runner, exercised regularly, read often, tried...
Did You Say Charcuterie? I jumped on the charcuterie board train when they became popular a few years ago, and I’ve been riding the trend ever since because this is exactly how I like to eat! I’ve been known to forgo dinner choosing to indulge in what I call my "fancy" snacks from favorite niche grocery stores Sprouts and Trader Joes. Charcuterie boards have become a fun and fancy way to serve and eat my fancy snacks. Also, if you have finicky eaters, try introducing new foods on a charcuterie platter and watch your family turn into foodies! The nice thing about charcuterie boards is that there are so many options. They can be made to serve one person, e.g., a charcuterie...
The Simple Dinner Table Game That Will Have Everyone Laughing If your family is like mine, your dinner time with one another is the only time you spend together as a family all day. We may be ripping, running and chaotic most days out of the week but more often than not, we make the time to sit and have our last meal of the day, together. We may just be eating drive-thru fried chicken after the football game or Old El Paso tacos, but we do it as a family in our own kitchen. Some nights, though, we find ourselves asking why we even bother. There’s always at least one person at the table in a foul mood, one...

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Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...