Child abuse never entered my mind until I stumbled into the Prevent Child Abuse Louisiana office in 2002 trying to complete a project for my class at LSU. Flash forward 14 years, and I can’t imagine spending a day NOT thinking about it. The victims last year in Louisiana alone could fill 530 elementary school classrooms. And 39 Louisiana children lost their lives to abuse and neglect last year. I can’t get the image of those 39 empty desks out of my mind. Can you imagine our outrage and action if we were losing 39 children a year to an illness or to a ride at an amusement park? The good news is that child abuse and neglect is 100%...
As if being a new mom isn’t hard enough, try logging into a message board, Facebook group, or even group text, and your mind will be blown by acronyms and mom sayings. All the EBFs, SAHMs, and DDs have you wondering if this is some Navajo code talking trick and you’re Japan (#WWIIreference). Moms, if you're confused as I was, I'll share my breakdown and commentary of what all the acronyms really mean. When it comes to feeding… EBF – traditional meaning “exclusive breast feeding” or "exclusively breastfed." This acronym is usually used in the context of, oh my gosh, my baby won’t nurse, but I want to EBF. I hope I don’t have to FF. Which brings us to our next...
Well, let’s be honest, it’s more like, why every WOMAN you know loves Joanna Gaines. I’m pretty sure we all agree that she and Chip have made HGTV ten times more popular among women ... and I thought that was impossible! Fixer Upper can be found on most of our televisions at some point in our day, whether it’s through HGTV or Netflix. Of course, the renovations and décor transformations are entertaining, but the real reason we watch it is Joanna. Not in a creepy way, but in a “You are so wonderful and talented and beautiful and we all want to be like you” way. Joanna is our Mom Crush for so many reasons, and here are just a few...

A Dream for Diversity

This is a hard post to write.  I want to show my passion for diversity, but I don’t want to be preachy.  I want to be real and honest, but I don’t want to offend.  I want to be bold, but I don’t want to be bossy. All I can share is what is in my heart and what we have chosen to do as a family. It’s said that Sunday mornings are the most segregated time of the week in our great country.  Though our social worlds and occupational worlds may be fully integrated, for some reason, our faith communities remain, in large part, fairly homogenous.  Our separations can stem from differences in race, class, economics, and culture.  My...
Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored by Straight Outta Compton nor are we supporting/unsupporting this movie. We just wanted to play along and laugh a little. :) We like to capture all of motherhood: the good, the bad, and the ugly. Mostly the good. But every now and then it is fun to laugh at ourselves and this momma journey. We were inspired from the #straighoutta trend of memes happening right now and wanted to jump on that bandwagon. Here ya go... #straightoutta mommy style!   Want to play along? You can make your own right here. Be sure to tag us on Facebook or Instagram in it so we can see!  

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