It's hard to believe, but Red Stick Moms Blog was founded six years ago, in early Fall 2013, with the goal of providing moms in and around Baton Rouge with timely, relevant information and the chance to connect online and off. When we purchased Red Stick Moms Blog from its Founder in early 2016, we were excited to bring everything that we had learned as the owners of New Orleans Moms Blog to the Baton Rouge market with the same mission of being the premier parenting resource for Baton Rouge parents. We are humbled by the overwhelming support we have received over the years with our events such as Donuts with Santa, Moms Night Out, and the Easter Egg...
This weekend, we took our children to the movies to see the new live-action version of Aladdin. I had my doubts going in, but they were erased almost immediately. I LOVE Princess Jasmine. In fact, thanks to her, I now have Disney Princess fever. But this isn't something I've always had. In fact, I think that if I were to take a look back at some to the princesses of the past (here's looking at you, Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella), I would probably cringe. In fact, I know I would. My daughter Lillian has a Disney princess storybook that I literally hate reading to her. Of course she loves it, but the oversimplified stories of "they fell in love and lived...
I am guilty of following many, MANY social media accounts. Unfortunately, most of the bloggers and accounts that I closely follow do not resemble my own parenting experience. Things we have in common: we have a child, we go by the name “Mommy,” and we probably both shop on Amazon … because who the heck doesn’t?! Things we do not have in common: my children rarely cooperate for photographs, my wardrobe isn’t worthy of, I never use the hashtag #ad, and the majority of my meals could not be in a Paleo, Whole 30, or Vegan cookbook. So why do I continue to follow? Well, I think there are a couple reasons: Positive Messages - I chose to follow mom bloggers...
I recently went against my better judgement and had an exchange of words in the comment section of a friend’s Facebook post. Some (most likely) well-intentioned men decided to offer up their explanation about why something happened in order to downplay my friend’s fear of a potentially dangerous situation. One even suggested that she take down the post so as not to spark widespread panic throughout an entire city of women. As I witnessed my friend begin to doubt herself throughout the day, I knew I couldn’t hold it in any longer. So, I joined the discussion. I *might* have used the word “mansplain,” which apparently has become a bit of a trigger word for men. And seeing as it...
A man dear in my life recently posted this statement: “Every mother of boys should be terrified that at anytime, any girl can fabricate any story without proof and ruin their lives.” I was appalled. I was LIVID. I spoke out. Because here’s the thing, just as we preach to the social media generation, nothing ever disappears. The boys, the men I’ve encountered in life, they leave a mark—good or bad. That creepy friend’s dad that gave me the roving once over? He still haunts me. That boy in middle school that groped me without asking? I still feel his dirty hands. My teacher in high school that held a boy to the wall & all but threatened his life for sexualizing...

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Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...