This weekend, we took our children to the movies to see the new live-action version of Aladdin. I had my doubts going in, but they were erased almost immediately. I LOVE Princess Jasmine. In fact, thanks to her, I now have Disney Princess fever.
But this isn't something I've always had. In fact, I think that if I were to take a look back at some to the princesses of the past (here's looking at you, Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella), I would probably cringe. In fact, I know I would. My daughter Lillian has a Disney princess storybook that I literally hate reading to her. Of course she loves it, but the oversimplified stories of "they fell in love and lived...
I am guilty of following many, MANY social media accounts. Unfortunately, most of the bloggers and accounts that I closely follow do not resemble my own parenting experience. Things we have in common: we have a child, we go by the name “Mommy,” and we probably both shop on Amazon … because who the heck doesn’t?!
Things we do not have in common: my children rarely cooperate for photographs, my wardrobe isn’t worthy of, I never use the hashtag #ad, and the majority of my meals could not be in a Paleo, Whole 30, or Vegan cookbook.
So why do I continue to follow? Well, I think there are a couple reasons:
Positive Messages - I chose to follow mom bloggers...
I recently went against my better judgement and had an exchange of words in the comment section of a friend’s Facebook post. Some (most likely) well-intentioned men decided to offer up their explanation about why something happened in order to downplay my friend’s fear of a potentially dangerous situation. One even suggested that she take down the post so as not to spark widespread panic throughout an entire city of women. As I witnessed my friend begin to doubt herself throughout the day, I knew I couldn’t hold it in any longer. So, I joined the discussion.
I *might* have used the word “mansplain,” which apparently has become a bit of a trigger word for men. And seeing as it...
A man dear in my life recently posted this statement:
“Every mother of boys should be terrified that at anytime, any girl can fabricate any story without proof and ruin their lives.”
I was appalled. I was LIVID. I spoke out.
Because here’s the thing, just as we preach to the social media generation, nothing ever disappears. The boys, the men I’ve encountered in life, they leave a mark—good or bad. That creepy friend’s dad that gave me the roving once over? He still haunts me. That boy in middle school that groped me without asking? I still feel his dirty hands. My teacher in high school that held a boy to the wall & all but threatened his life for sexualizing...
In 2016, the Great Flood came through and wiped out 98% of my town. I was part of the 2% left dry. Not only were people’s homes underwater, but their businesses were too. Which meant no home, no work, and we all know insurance and FEMA take a hot minute. The horror stories of “big box charities” were rolling out. I felt frozen in the fear of doing something wrong, but I wanted to help. I just jumped in with a 13-month-old on my hip I made a live video on Facebook. I requested donations to go, delivering snacks and groceries door to door. I would head to the churches, pick up cleaning kits and deliver with food. That...