Going back to school was something I always looked forward to every year, especially as a self-proclaimed teacher's pet.  I may have earned a few "A"s in my day by staying late to help organize or volunteering to skip recess to help grade papers.  Ethical, eh, probably not, but I sure loved it.  Now as a mom, I can't help but think of ways to make the back-to-school transition easier on teachers and fellow moms alike.  I don't have a ton of experience with school supplies as a parent, so I can only speak for the occasional item I have to label to send to daycare.  But as someone who hates her handwriting, I love the option to just...
As our kids grow up, they seem to accumulate more and more stuff. But I'm not just talking about toys and clothes.  All those little extras that our kids use and need everyday can start to take over! Today, I'm focusing on the kitchen and all those plastic cups and dishes that get piled up. I've got a great tip today that will keep those lids corralled and the plates from spilling over! Angela mentioned the importance of storing kids' cups and dishes within their reach in this post. Everyone's happier when the kids can help get what they need! Mine even helps put his stuff away when I'm unloading the dishwasher. But what I struggled with for a long...
My homebuying series continues today! This series documents my experiences and tips for making the purchase of a new home go as smoothly as possible. In Part 1, I focused on what you can do to get the process started -- everything from finding the house you want to choosing a realtor.  Today, I will be focusing on the money side of things and helping you figure out this crazy process!   Buying a home will likely be the biggest purchase you ever make. If you’re like me, you don’t have enough cash sitting in the bank to buy it outright and will need to find financing. Navigating the lending process can be stressful if you aren’t prepared. Here are a few tips I have found...
Late last fall, I got the idea to make a list of all the things I like to cook to make it easier to plan our meals. Seeing as I’m the type to sometimes get wrapped up in a project and take things a bit too far, the next thing I knew I had spent several hours designing and writing a restaurant-style menu. Even the descriptions are flowery. I knew that it was cheesy and over the top and was honestly a little embarrassed, but six months later I’m shocked to say that I still use it. Even my husband has remarked that he really likes referring to it when we're talking about what we'll have to eat. He says...

Organizing 101

“Good moms have dirty ovens and sticky floors.” I’ve heard this quote before and it never sat quite right with me. I think the idea that moms should set housework aside for the more important work of enjoying and raising your children is a fine notion and reminds us that children grow up quickly while we’re busy with other things. However, I also don’t think the homes where we raise our children need to be left to turn into chaos during these important years with our kids. In fact, an organized home is a great gift to yourself as well as your children. Being organized and having an organized home does not have to mean you are a perfectionist who ignores...

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Around Baton Rouge

Following The Pink and Gold Sparkly Road : How Joining a...

The Pink and Gold Sparkly Road : How Joining a Local Dance Krewe Enhanced my Life Three years ago, I was recovering from a devastating...