So we did a thing. My daughter and I moved to Chattanooga, Tennessee for the summer, and MAN was it a rollercoaster! I never thought I’d actually do something like pack my things and move to a completely different state, but the idea of it being temporary was very appealing to me. I didn’t know if I could do it. I’ve always wanted to, but I didn’t know if I could ACTUALLY pull it off. I am lucky enough to have summers off being a teacher, and also being a single mother, we had nothing holding us back! The opportunity presented itself on a shiny golden platter and it was impossible to say no! Here’s how it went down: The Job I...
My unexpected lesson in fostering leadership started as inconspicuously as any other busy weekday night, corralling the three kids for supper, a soccer game, baths, and bedtime. In the process of trying to hasten bedtime, I scooped up some uniform shorts from the floor and absentmindedly searched the pockets. I found some cryptic note containing our address and tossed it on the counter. I was certain it was another innocuous doodling from morning care. I was wrong. As we picked up my oldest from carpool the next day, my husband and I started the cursory “How was your day?” only to be enthusiastically interrupted. Carson couldn’t wait to inform us that he had started a club, and he sent out...
Do you like getting together with friends but feel intimidated by having them over? While I love looking forward to more elaborate events planned ahead of time, it's also fun to be spontaneous with impromptu gatherings. I love to plan dinners and parties, whether they are at my house or someone else's. I used to think that having people over took a lot of time and planning, but now I also like the freedom of getting something together just a day or two before. These days entertaining is about recharging and relaxing from a busy week, which lets me focus on having fun with other people instead of stressing about food or lots of preparation.  Here are some easy ways...
I was recently watching one of my Friday guilty pleasures, "What Would You Do?" when John Quinones presented a conundrum that was near to my heart: should parents decide what sports their children play? Here was the scenario: a kid would plead with his parent, begging to play football. The parent wouldn't allow it, citing safety reasons. The social scenario, then, was whether strangers would intervene, and, if so, whose side they would support. Although the show presents its scenes somewhat objectively, there is usually a response they're hoping to solicit. The shocker for me, though, was that they seemed to be in support of the pleading child, no matter how scientific or well-founded the parent's logic was. I was frustrated...
Before you wag your finger, pause for a second. Try to open your heart and mind up to the possibility of experiencing Disney WITHOUT your children. This was my first time ever going to the “happiest place on earth.” My children go every summer with their grandma. Walking in the gates I felt an immediate sense of joy and endless possibility. People were smiling, and there was this feeling  of unity ... like we were all in this together. I honestly felt like someone was pumping happiness juice in the air.  As I walked around taking in the sights and sounds of this magical kingdom, I couldn’t help but notice the parents there with their children. Some of them seemed...

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Best Places to Order Catered Thanksgiving Dinner in Baton Rouge

Best Places to Order Catered Thanksgiving Dinner in Baton Rouge The holiday season is upon us! In all the chaos, so many of us are...