I can think of few things as scary as re-entering the workforce after having left a successful career many years ago.
Over the years I have often found myself referring to my previous career in Human Resources as something I did “in the before.” My journey is likely familiar to many of you. I planned to have it all – a successful career and a family, financial freedom, and a comfortable lifestyle. And like so many others, the universe had other plans for me. Our quest for “one more” left us with three miscarriages, an ectopic pregnancy that nearly killed me, and an ungodly amount of medical bills. We’d reached a point where desperation won and we were willing to...
It’s the dreaded witching hour of the day with the children. I reach for the frozen pizza, hot dog, or boxed mac and cheese. I put it all on a plate and call it a day. Maybe I decide to fancy it up with an apple or some strawberries, or maybe I don’t.
I will not be taking a picture of this dinner to share on social media, but in the end, the kids were fed.
What day of the week is it anyway?
We are now on month 500 of this pandemic, and I feel like I have aged ten years in the last ten months. I’ve watched every Netflix show and taste-tested every hard seltzer out there! I’ve made unnecessary...
I had a cesarean section to have my daughter in 2018. Though I ended up having an emergency one on a day I didn’t schedule, the original plan was to schedule it because my daughter was breech.
I was surrounded by other pregnant women while I was pregnant. Many were doing everything in their control to have a natural birth. They talked about it a lot and I enjoyed listening. I was always intrigued by natural birth but never saw it as a journey I wanted to embark on.
Here’s the thing...
I quickly found out there’s a subgroup of women in the natural birth category that believe how you birth your child is not only not your personal business and decision,...
Summer is quickly approaching and since I’ll be welcoming two new babes in the next four weeks, I’ve been trying to get as much done as possible in terms of scheduling summer camps and more importantly (in my humble opinion), swim lessons, for my big boys.
When my first son was about a year old, we decided to enroll him in ISR or Infant Swim Resource lessons. Just to provide a little background information … ISR was founded in 1966 and since then, it has delivered more than 8,000,000 lessons to children worldwide. According to their website, ISR’s primary focus is to teach your child to become a productive swimmer or floater in any depth of water. They teach children...
The kids are in bed, the household responsibilities are done and you climb into bed to sleep, but you don’t sleep. You check your email, or lie awake thinking of all of the things you still need to do, or mindlessly scroll social media, or play a game. You are not alone. I’m awake with you and so many other mothers are too.
My husband always comments that I’m so tired (and I am, and I’m not the only one) and yet, I don’t go to sleep. I have to explain to him that the time in bed, before I fall asleep, is just “my time.” I spend my days caring for others and it expends a lot of emotional...