Y’all, they get you when you are weak. It’s like you have a target on the back of your head one fine morning when you are really LOVING your kids school/work has been easier/you feel freed up to say “yes” to things again. It sounds a little like this: “Hey Miss Sarah! You know Miss Smith has been the class mom for two years now, we were wondering if you would want to help take that on?” “Oh yeah! What all is that? Coordinating for parties and things? Sure!” “Great! We know you plan things for your work, so we thought you might enjoy it!” “Can’t wait!” Seems so simple and easy … then you get the REAL info. It’s emailing other parents (all of...

I am a Millennial Mom

I feel like the word "millennial" gets a lot of negative attention. People like to categorize our generation as being spoiled, uninformed and lazy. Someone born in the millennial generation is defined by Webster as “a person reaching young adulthood in the early 21st century.” Well that is me. I am a youngish mom born in the late 1980s attempting to do this parenting thing the best I can. Here are some fun facts about me that maybe some of you fellow Millennial Moms can relate to: 1. I am a different type of mom than my mother. I try to skate the line of “no boundaries parenting” and being a complete helicopter mom. I want my kids to grow and...
This blog post is the fourth installment of a collaborative 5-part series entitled The Mother Within. Start at the beginning here. Perhaps you are career woman turned mother, and you are wondering how those women on TV make it seem like you really can have it all. I'm here to tell you that you too can have it all; you just can't have it all at once.  Let's pretend for a moment that you have unlimited resources and hire nannies for your children. You can hire assistants to handle all those classroom parties and responsibilities. You are making enough money to pay for all of it, but your time and availability are limited because you have to work. You have the finances to...
This blog post is the third installment of a collaborative 5-part series entitled The Mother Within. Start at the beginning here. I graduated college in California in 2008, just as the economy was beginning its downward slide. I loved the design degree I was earning and had numerous interviews throughout the state that would hopefully jump-start my career in the field. But one-by-one they called me back to cancel the interviews. As the economy crashed their workload disappeared almost overnight. No work meant there was no need for any new employees. A few months later I was on my way to living in Louisiana.   I got an internship and I was happy to have work. But I still needed another part-time job to...

The Choices We Make

This blog post is the second installment of a collaborative 5-part series entitled The Mother Within. Start at the beginning here. "Am I enough?"  "What's my purpose?" "Can I have it all?" Questions we may all ask ourselves at some point in our lives, no matter our situation. These arise when we doubt ourselves, compare ourselves to others, experience fear, feel like we're stuck in a rut, or just want to be better. This was the topic of a recent group discussion within RSMB, which included mothers from all walks of life, leading us to believe this is a very common thought process.   While it has been my choice to share my time between work and family, I have had moments where I ask myself...

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Around Baton Rouge

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...