My Job Was Killing Me Some days I would rather walk on hot lava than go to work. Have you been there? Have you ever worked in a job that seems like you will never get anything right? How many times have you literally felt like your job was killing you? I loved my career, but my job was literally robbing me of my life and taking me from my family. That’s right, a place that will fill my position before the coroner ever reports my death to the state was killing me. Even before I set my alarm every night, my heart would race just thinking about the next workday. Then, I would snooze more times than I could count, and...

Mommy Deserves to Recharge

Most moms feel super guilty about needing “me time.” And when we do make the choice to take that break someone else will come along and add to that guilt.  I’m always amazed at the plethora of comments on my husband’s social media posts telling him how much he deserves a break and saluting him for being a dad. However, if I dare to say, “I am tired,” I’m usually met with “that’s what a mom does.” We have been conditioned to teach moms that they MUST burn both ends of the candle and be ok with it.  Especially if you’re a working mom … jobs expect 110% of you, kids need 200%, and a spouse wants 300%. At the...
I have been blessed throughout my career with bosses who value their team’s work, and then I’ve had bosses who weren’t so great. COVID-19 changed the world in many ways and showed businesses that quality work can be done remotely. Also, it has shown that working from home can cause employees to become content, unfortunately. My family owns a business so, I know the grind of improving your bottom line while maintaining your employees. It is difficult. Loyalty goes both ways, though. If you have an employee who goes above and beyond their job duties, you need to value that employee. Even if that employee does exactly what is expected of them and none extra, still value that employee. If...
In 2022, we’re all aware of the need for self-care. Whether it be a corporate office pretending to give a crap by extending lunch breaks or a spouse that feels they exemplified selflessness by “letting” a mom shower in peace, there’s a lot of pretending out there when it comes to self-care. Self-care in Motherhood It shouldn’t even be such a buzzword in motherhood because the idea around self-care when you’re a mom is to simply take tiny bits of time to “recharge,” just to go back to motherhood. When will society accept moms are people, too? The thing is, while there’s a ton of support around taking care of yourself, even as a mom *gasp*, there’s a lot of judgment in the...
All it takes is a big milestone to hit you right in the face to make you wonder “am I present enough?” and “am I doing this mom thing right?” “Am I a good mom?” I truly applaud the moms who are stay-at-home moms. That job is not easy and needs to be appreciated more. I just can’t do it because I am the best version of myself when I am working. But am I? I’ve worked multiple jobs and also had a full-time gym life since my oldest was born. My oldest is attending Kindergarten this fall, and that milestone hit me like a ton of bricks. I had an out-of-town event to work on his last day of Pre-K, at...

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Around Baton Rouge

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...