
pregnant woman

Pregnancy is an exciting journey as you prepare to welcome your little one into the world. Although it can feel overwhelming, especially for first-time moms, Red Stick Mom provides a variety of helpful resources from seasoned moms. From selecting the best care providers to insights on using a doula we’ve got you covered every step of the way.

We understand that every pregnancy is special and unique, and our team of local Baton Rouge moms is committed to providing diverse perspectives on various aspects of motherhood. Whether you choose to have a medicated or natural birth , breast or bottle feed, we have resources from experienced moms that can help you make an informed decision about what is best for you and your baby.

At Red Stick Mom, we’re here for every step of your motherhood journey—pregnancy and beyond. For postpartum moms, we’ve got you covered with tips to conquer sleep deprivation, advice on self-care, and support for your mental health. Because let’s face it—taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your little one.

Red Stick Mom is dedicated to helping you navigate the highs and lows of pregnancy and postpartum. We know the struggles and joys that come with this journey, and we strive to create a supportive community for all moms in Baton Rouge

         Birth - I could talk about it all day. How you went into labor, your birth story and your whole experience. There are always similarities and differences in these conversations. I have had two babies and two unplanned c-sections; however, I am not disappointed. After learning about natural and alternative birthing methods over the past ten years, I was so excited to experience it in 2014 with my first baby. My friend, who knew a lot more than I did, and I had regular discussions about labor. Coincidentally, she was also pregnant at the time. I had a doula, went to a birthing class, wrote a birth plan, researched everything from hep-locks to vernix and even made a...
You never imagine it won’t go exactly how you plan -- no matter how many times people tell you or how many books try to inform you that all pregnancies and deliveries are different. You never really believe that yours won’t be the way you see it in your dreams. I mean really, if you think about it you spend 9 (really 10) months planning and imagining all the possibilities of how it will be when you birth this new bundle of joy into the world.  For me, my last pregnancy and delivery was everything I never thought possible. I had heard of postpartum depression, but had never had any personal experience with it. I was too strong, too busy,...
 When my husband and I first found out I was pregnant 5 months ago we were so surprised and frankly, in disbelief. There were genuine conversations where we couldn't believe this was real and didn't even know how it happened. My constant nausea, projectile vomiting, and extreme fatigue proved that yes, this was in fact a real pregnancy. But nevertheless, it didn't feel real. Even after I crossed that major milestone of getting out of the first trimester. Although we started getting questions on "what do you think you're having?" I feel like I couldn't even wrap my head around the gender or sex of our baby because it felt too soon and a little silly given our history...

I Hate Being Pregnant

 I hate being pregnant. "Wow."  "That's a pretty harsh statement, Camille." I know it and I mean it. I know it's a completely different opinion from someone who has documented their struggle to get/stay pregnant, but I stand by it. Pregnancy is a means to an end for me. Now, before you furiously type in the comments about how lucky I am to experience this true act of God, let me explain. I don't hate being pregnant for the superficial reasons. I am still currently dealing with all day sickness and extreme fatigue even in my second trimester. My skin is breaking out and I divert my eyes on the scale at my doctor's appointments. My husband does everything around the house and with...
I just made it to the second trimester with my second child, so I'm in preparation (and saving) mode for what will come in five short months. And while the planning becomes more real every day, I can say with most certainty that I am beyond ecstatic to be out of the first trimester. See with my first pregnancy I was nauseated, got sick once or twice, and then figured out how to keep it from happening. I never felt great, but it was manageable. Thinking I had it all figured out from the first time around, I assumed this one would be a breeze. WRONG. This kid has already thrown me for a loop. Morning, afternoon and night sickness....

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