Confidence is the New Little Black Dress

Every woman owns the perfect little black dress. You know, the one you slip on when you go out on a hot date? The one that makes you feel sexy and alluring. So much so that you can walk in a room and everyone stops and stares as you walk across with an aura of unstoppable pursuit. The little black dress is a symbol for so many things. It’s a symbol for boldness, attraction, and above all, confidence. Every woman knows that if she cannot find anything to wear, there is ALWAYS the option of the little black dress.

As a single mother of a beautiful 8-year-old girl, I often think about the kind of woman she will grow up to be. Our kids will grow up and become fine adults due to the experiences and people who shape their lives as they grow. One day, my daughter will slip on the inevitable little black dress in order to fulfill all of her confidence needs. 

Confidence Comes From Within

I place careful thought into the things I want to teach her as she grows. Confidence, by definition, is the feeling or belief that one can rely on you or have firm trust in you. Having confidence shows that you are sure of yourself, you are solid in your beliefs, and you are stable in understanding. Those are highly attractive qualities. Confidence is something that comes from WITHIN and does not need outward embellishments to be highlighted. Too many young women and teenagers focus on wearing revealing clothes, too much makeup, or making sure their eyebrows are perfect, when they should be digging deep within themselves to muster up enough confidence in showing someone that they are trustworthy, they are sure of themselves, they are stable. I do not want my daughter to grow up thinking that she has to rely on the “little black dress” to give her the confidence she needs.

Be Confident in the REAL You

black dressOf course, I believe appearances are important too, but it should not be the only source of your confidence. People can see past the outward appearances and want to see the real you. Be confident in the real you. The confidence you feel when wearing the little black dress should also be felt when wearing a t-shirt and gym shorts. Your confidence should not be defined by your clothes, makeup, or hair. It should stay the same no matter what you have on! 

Inward Confidence is Attractive

I’ve asked countless people, girls and guys, “what is the one thing that is most attractive when it comes to women or men?” Most answered “confidence.” None of them said the clothes they wear or the way their hair is fixed or how evenly shaped their eyebrows are. Confidence is what shines brighter than any other aspect of our inward traits and outward appearances. The right person will love you for exactly who you are if you show confidence in your TRUE nature.  

Be the Example for Your Children

My daughter may not be at the appropriate age to talk about having confidence, but I will be her example throughout the years until she reaches the age of understanding. I want her to know that she can be confident in me as her mother and that she can trust me in guiding her through her years to adulthood and beyond. I know there is no recipe book for always making the right decision when it comes to parenting, but your kids need to see that you are confident in your role as their caretaker and protector to ensure that they have your trust.  

Your Confident Spirit Should Eclipse Your Outward Attire

Whether you are dating, parenting, or working a job that requires some degree of confidence, I encourage you to not rely on your outward appearance or the “little black dress” to show someone it’s there. It’s inside of you. Pull it out and let it shine bright for all the world to see. I guarantee you, your confident spirit will eclipse your clothes and makeup and will be authentically evident no matter the attire. So, ladies, hang up that little black dress, put on something comfortable, and wear your confidence proudly. You’ll be sure to knock um dead.

Brooke Bajon
Brooke was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and grew up in Denham Springs. She attained a degree in English from Southeastern Louisiana University. After she graduated, she went on to become an English teacher to a variety of different age levels. Brooke is a single mother whose number one priority is to guide her beautiful eight-year-old daughter, Kameron, through a Christ-centered life. Some of her favorite things to do are run the LSU lakes, go to festivals around the area, and drink an immense amount of coffee! Travels, adventures, and weekend getaways are a necessity to balance out her busy and often-times chaotic life!


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