Dear Sleep,
It’s not you. It’s me.

That’s not to say this breakup is easy. Oh no. I miss our long easy weekend mornings, Sleep. I miss our uninterrupted time together. But I can’t do it anymore. Fragmented time is no time at all. I know we will still run into each other from time to time, but that’s all it feels like we’re doing anymore anyway. We don’t have a real relationship anymore, Sleep.
Oh the times we used to have together! We didn’t know how good we had it when we were together at college. We only thought our time together was limited, but it was abundant! I was so foolish as to think I was ever tired because I wasn’t getting enough of you. If I only knew.
So, we’ve had a nice run, you and I. But I think it’s time we parted ways, for I have a new love in my life who has come between us. You’re right; it is my dear children. Maybe when they’re older, we can get back together, but I know when to call it quits when something isn’t working anymore.
I will love and cherish you forever, and I look back fondly on the times we had together. It’s breaking my heart to do this to you, Sleep, but I love those babies more than I love you. When they don’t need me as much as I feel I need you, then we can take things back to the start.
So this not a Good Night but rather Goodbye, my dear sweet Sleep.