Have Kids, Need Coffee :: Ways To Save With Homemade

Have Kids, Need Coffee :: Ways To Save With Homemade

My husband texted me the other day. He was listening to a podcast and the host mentioned how he never drank coffee prior to having kids, but now, it’s a necessity. My husband’s comment, #relatable. He was a proud non-coffee drinker, that is…until we had kids. He wasn’t a morning person, but he could get through the day without that morning, and let’s be honest moms, afternoon jolt. I, on the other hand, have always had a love for coffee, and now I feel like I need coffee to be a functional human. 

I’ve been exploring all of the ways to get great coffee at home. It saves me time and money. Here is what I have learned.


Coffee Concentrate– This is one of my favorite quick and easy ways to get a tasty hot or iced coffee. I love Cool Brew and I love the fact that it is made in NOLA. It is easy to measure and you can control the amount of concentrate, water, milk, etc. So if you prefer a stronger taste you can add less water. Cool Brew comes in several flavors, is available at most local grocery stores and is quick, delicious and affordable. One large bottle makes 32 drinks at about 38 cents/drink. 

Other concentrates are also available just check out the refrigerated section of your local grocery store or the coffee aisle for a selection of coffee concentrate options. 

Premade Cold Brew– This is a great option if you want something to pour and go. We like Stok in our house, but all of the big coffee chains make an option and several versions are available from fully sweetened, to milk alternative mixes. Be sure to note if it is a cold brew vs. an iced coffee…there is a big difference (see below).

Have Kids, Need Coffee :: Ways To Save With Homemade

Home Brewed 

Drip Coffee Pot– probably the image that comes to mind when you hear “coffee pot.” This works by having a chamber that heats water that is then dripped through a medium ground coffee and filter. Great for making large batches of coffee for home or the office. Simple, straightforward and easy. My kiddo was helping to make coffee with our drip coffee pot at 2 years old. 

Single-Serve Pod System– you know the brand names: Keurig, Nespresso. Individual “pods” are placed in the machine and a quick cup of coffee is produced. This is a great option for houses with only one coffee drinker. It is a convenient and fast option. The drawback is that the coffee doesn’t always meet the mark in regard to boldness and flavor. It also produces a lot of waste and the cost of the pods can be prohibitive for those trying to save. (A reusable pod is also an option).

French Press– This is an immersion brewing method. You want course ground coffee for this method. You place your grounds and hot water in the press and let it brew. After the recommended amount of time you press down the filter for a delicious cup of coffee. I have also used my French press for cold brew, but it was a challenge to get it in the refrigerator. 

supplies to make coffee at home

Moka Pot– The iconic silver pot you see in the movies/TV. The moka pot is a stovetop brewer that uses pressure to pass boiling water through the ground coffee. Admittedly I do not own one of these, but I am intrigued and I’ve been told it makes a bold, strong brew!

Aeropress– A portable, fast brewer. The aeropress can be used to make hot or cold brewed coffee in less than 2 minutes. Actually, the hot coffee is less than a minute. It makes a concentrate and you add your hot water (or cold) and go. The aeropress works by using pressure to push the water through the coffee. It is great for those that travel, camp or want a quick fix. 

Cold Brew– Cold brew is different from iced coffee. A cold brew coffee will be less acidic, less bitter and smoother to drink. The method is simple. Place your grounds in your cold brew container, add room temperature water and let it sit for 12-24 hours. You can stir occasionally, with a wooden instrument (spoon, chopstick, etc.). You can either cold brew a concentrate, where you make it stronger (more coffee, less water), or go for a straight-to-drink version, 2 tablespoons of coffee for every 6oz of water. The container can be anything from a mason jar to a specific cold brewing pitcher.

For clarity iced coffee is when you brew hot coffee (with any of the methods above) with half of the water, then allow it to cool and pour it over ice. The result is a very different flavor profile than that of a cold brewed coffee.

Buying your favorite drink from your favorite coffee place is always an option, but if you want to save some money, maybe some calories and some time these are a few ways to get/make you drinks at home and still have that great flavor. 

A native of the New Orleans 'burbs, Melanie has lived in Baton Rouge since starting her bachelors degree at LSU. She earned her BA in Mass Communication and a master’s degree in Social Work both from LSU. In her professional life Melanie focuses on women’s mental health. Melanie and her husband Adam have been together for almost two decades. They have 2 bright and curious kids who keep them on their toes. When not working or moming Melanie can be found exploring yet another new hobby, trying to “get organized” and avoiding the laundry. She loves sitcoms, traveling, iced coffee and carbs.


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