Dear Mama :: You are Enough

Dear Mamas,

I know it is hard. Parenting is the craziest roller-coaster of life I have ever been on. There are some really high highs and very low lows pretty much weekly in my life. I have days where I feel like the BEST MOM EVER, and then there are other days when I text my friend and make sure I am not totally ruining my kids’ lives.

I want you to remember something – you are enough. You were given each and every child that you have had in your life for a reason. Whether they are yours by birth or they are in your home for a few short months or for their entire lives. You are the perfect mama for them.

You have the perfect soul to love them SO BIG to nurture them and care for them exactly how they need it. You are the one that they look forward to seeing when they have had a long day at school or daycare.

I know how easy it is to get into the funk of everyday and beat yourself up that you are not doing what you should be doing. You lose patience with homework, fuss at them to hurry up and brush their teeth (real talk … how can it take SO long to barely brush your teeth?) or you just aren’t quite as gentle with them as you feel that you should be during bedtime. It is ok – you are enough!

You are loving your children the best that you possibly can. You are doing what you need and can do for them, and you are kicking butt! Remember that our lives will have ups and downs, but when it comes down to it, you are doing the very best you can. Your kids are loved beyond measure and I know that you would do anything to make sure that they are happy.

None of us are perfect parents, despite what our social media makes us look like. We are all flawed and we ALL lose our patience with our kids. Know that you are enough for your kids. You are loving and serving them well.


Another Mom Who Also Needs Encouragement Sometimes


Tiffany is happily married to her high school sweetheart, Desmond. Together they get to play the roles of Mommy and Daddy to Micah, a gifted Math Wiz of a teenager who is always making people laugh, and Keilyn, a spunky, flower loving, dancing girl who will stop and talk to anyone she meets. She was born and raised in Baton Rouge and has Cajun blood running through her veins. She works full time outside of the home in business administration. She started the journey of motherhood young but wouldn’t have it any other way. Her children have taught her to laugh, play and that sometimes it’s ok not to have a plan! She has a passion for teenagers and is an active mentor in her church’s youth group. In her rare free time she enjoys shopping, coffee, and date nights with her husband. She believes that everyone has a story to tell and enjoys meeting new people, making people laugh, and spending time with friends and family.


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