
Melanie McHenry-Leblanc

Melanie McHenry-Leblanc

Best YouTube Workouts

Exercising is so important to me. I feel happier and calmer after I exercise. But so is avoiding this heat. Normally, I would walk around my neighborhood or a park. It’s a great way...

For Our Little Botanists

For our Little Botanists There is something simply magical about growing your own plants. My two little botanists love seeing their plants rise out of the soil. Right now, we’re growing mint, strawberries, and greens. (We...

Supporting Your Children’s School

So you want to be more involved with your child’s school? That’s great!! I’m sure the faculty and staff would appreciate it. It’s so important to be involved with the schools that educate and shape...

It’s Grandparent’s Day!!

It’s Grandparents Day!! What a wonderful day to celebrate. Without grandparents, I would not be the woman, the wife, mother, friend, and human I am today. Let me tell you about my grandparents. Both sets of...

On the Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina :: New Orleans Will Always Be Home

New Orleans was and will forever be my home. No matter where in the world I may be living, New Orleans will be my home. Some of my closest friends live there. The first house...