Melanie McHenry-Leblanc

Melanie McHenry-Leblanc

Season Of Thankfulness

Season Of Thankfulness Life is so busy. Even in the moments that aren’t automatically filled with things to do, things happen. Things keep happening that are out of our control. I just spent an hour...

Our Favorite Halloween Movies {For Little Kids}

Our Favorite Halloween Movies {For Little Kids} I absolutely love Halloween for the pageantry, the mystery, and the element of surprise. When you’re experiencing Halloween with your littles and want a movie night, it’s important...

Adjusting To A Different Halloween

Adjusting To A Different Halloween If you love Halloween like me and you’re a mom, I’m sure you have tons of plans for the holiday. Before I even had my boys, I planned our family...

It’s Almost Fall!! Yay!!

It’s Almost Fall!! Yay!! As it cools down into the mid 90s, you can tell Fall is on it’s way. There’s so much going on. Fall is one of my favorite seasons and not just...

Navigating My New World {As A Working Mom}

Navigating My New World Right now, as I write this, I’m taking a break from grading papers. I’m so proud of all of my students’ hard work. It’s an unending pile of the masterpieces my students...