
Elf: The New Tradition

A few years ago, I decided to jump on the Elf on the Shelf  (in our house Jake) bandwagon, and I have never looked back. The original concept of the Elf watching the kids and reporting to Santa was definitely a draw, but this is a common misconception because the scout elf in the book also encourages good deeds. Regardless of telling good or bad deeds, I was sold on being an Elf family once I saw my kids' reactions to their very own Elf.  I admit that there have been times when I cursed the whole thing as I was walking to bed and remembered that Jake forgot to move that day, but overall I have been pleased with my decision to be pro-Elf. I'll...
Disclaimer: This is a guest post from Dr. Leanne Redman, associate professor of women’s health studies at Pennington Biomedical Research Center. You can get to know her more here and read her first post here. Her facts and opinions are based on her personal research. Red Stick Moms Blog was not paid to promote any specific medical viewpoints or studies. Always consult your physician with any medical questions. November was National Diabetes Month and with 30 million Americans diagnosed with diabetes and 86 million diagnosed with prediabetes, there is an obvious need for national attention and action. Of the 3 types of diabetes (type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes), let’s focus today on one that can affect many...
For the past few years, our church has encouraged us to reach more into our imagination and less into our pocketbooks and give Christmas gifts that speak thoughtfulness and intention rather than throwing items into a cart last minute, wrapping them, and calling it a day. The notion of taking ourselves out of the spending machine that is what Christmas has become took a couple years for us to adjust, but I'm thankful to have the perspective shift. Now I really enjoy trying to think of unique and meaningful gifts to give people we love. If this sounds like something you would like to give a try, here are a few ideas for some specific people in your life. Spouse--A framed...
I can remember the day my child had his first seizure like it was ten minutes ago.  It is a moment in time that is embedded in my head for eternity.  The sight of my child turning blue, his 6 month old body shaking uncontrollably, his sweet voice crying out in distress....my life was forever changed. When Connor was diagnosed with the rare brain malformation Schizencephaly at 6 weeks old the neurologist informed us that he had a 90% chance of having seizures, or moments of abnormal electrical activity in his brain, because of the deep clefts in his brain.  Digesting that information was extremely hard for me.  I had known one person my entire life that had seizures, but had never actually seen her seize.  My only perception...
November is here, and many are unaware that it is National Native American Heritage Month.  As the daughter of a Blackfoot Indian, this month is extremely meaningful to me. Unfortunately, not much is taught in schools (or in general) regarding Native American culture or history other than stories about Sacagawea or the First Thanksgiving. However, Native American culture is rich and breathtaking, and deserves more attention than that surrounding the Thanksgiving story. Fortunately, there is a wealth of resources available to you as a parent that can assist you in teaching your children about the Native Americans.  Here are a few easy ways to teach your children about Native Americans: Please recognize that Native Americans are not one specific people group....

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Shop and Save :: Second Hand September (or Any Month!) If you're like me, your focus is all over the place you're in charge of...