The holiday season is officially among us. And with it comes lots of traveling.  This week, we’ll be featuring posts all about making traveling with our kiddos safe and bearable, maybe even fun! I joined the Baton Rouge Carseat Safety Facebook group late last year when my son needed a new car seat. A friend of mine recommended it to me and suggested that I post a question of what kind of car seat to buy and give my son's height, weight, budget, type of car, and if anyone else rides in the back with him. Within minutes, I had a couple great recommendations from the group's owner and child passenger safety technician, Amy Waters. I took the information and ran with it...
The holiday season is officially among us. And with it comes lots of traveling.  This week, we’ll be featuring posts all about making traveling with our kiddos safe and bearable, maybe even fun! Cars. Most of us have one (sometimes two or three), and if you're anything like me you spend roughly 50% of your day in it. We all remember buckling in our fresh, squishy newborns and driving 15 mph the entire way home, ignoring the honks and stares of others on our first drive home from the hospital. Most of us have probably been in some sort of accident, whether a fender bender or an all-out "totaled my car and landed in the emergency room" accident. In fact,...
The holiday season is officially among us. And with it comes lots of traveling.  This week, we'll be featuring posts all about making traveling with our kiddos safe and bearable, maybe even fun! I know that we have all been there: you get in the car, back out of the driveway, and immediately your kids start fighting, or whining, or screaming for something that dropped on the floor.  For my kids, it's that they always want to watch a movie.  And I'm all for the convenience that comes with DVD players in vehicles, but I really try to use that for long-distance driving only.  In my opinion, my kids watch enough TV as it is.  Furthermore, when I was a...

Flying With Baby

The holiday season is officially among us. And with it comes lots of traveling.  This week, we'll be featuring posts all about making traveling with our kiddos safe and bearable, maybe even fun! My husband and I recently took a quick family trip – our first with just us three. We have traveled with our baby, now 9 months old, but this time was different: we were flying. All I could think about as the trip got closer was how nervous I was about the flights. Almost everyone has been on a plane with a screaming baby. I certainly didn’t want my baby to be unhappy, and I also didn’t want him to disturb the other passengers. But if motherhood has...

And The Award Goes To…

I  know all kids say mean things to their parents from time to time. Mine frequently tell me I am terrible, so I started thinking "What if they gave out Terrible Mom Awards? And if so, would I win?". Well, here is how I would accept that award. Enjoy my honest words about how I regularly ruin my kids' lives. "I would first like to thank the Academy of Mothers whose kids say they are ruining their lives. I may not have been your first choice for the 'Woosest Mom Eba' aka Worstest Mom Ever (WME) Award, but I am so happy that I proved myself when it counted. For those who don't know me or those who don't think I'm deserving, sit...

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Shop and Save :: Second Hand September (or Any Month!)

Shop and Save :: Second Hand September (or Any Month!) If you're like me, your focus is all over the place you're in charge of...