There are so many things I wish I had known about motherhood before I had children, but I guess it's just true that you can never fully grasp it all until you are there. If there was one thing I wasn't prepared for, it was everything my kids would teach me about myself. Not just how many hours I can go without sleep, how "hangry" I can get, and the absolute longest I can go while listening to a screeching toddler from the confines of a carseat before wanting to pull all of my hair out, but who I am. Like, who I really really am on my deepest level. It started more when my daughter was born, seeing it all...

Why I Chose the Harness

We’ve always known our son Judah was active. From the moment I could feel his kicks in my belly, I knew we were in for it. We joke that he only has one speed: RUN. And for a two-year-old, he is quite the sprinter. I didn’t realize just how fast he was until I got pregnant and keeping up with him got harder and harder. After one particular trip to the zoo, I realized how quickly he could be gone. We were walking the trail that leads to the otters and dancing along with the Cajun music. Then all of a sudden it was like a switch flipped, and he darted through the rest of the trail like it was...

Supporting Your Spouse

I’m sure most of us have heard the bible verse from Ephesians 5:24.  Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. I had never given the verse much thought. I know some people take offense to the “submitting” part, but I always just assumed it was an old, obsolete teaching and ignored it. Recently, however, it was explained to me in a way that converted this old teaching into modern understanding. I was told that rather than seeing 'submitting' as a negative requiring that I make myself a servant of my husband, to see it as a positive to help him rise to his role as the man of the household. Overall,...
Calling all moms! Is this mic on? We said..CALLING ALL MOMS! You deserve a NIGHT OUT! Do you like to eat? Do you want to escape to have a little fun with other moms? Lastly, would you like to enjoy an evening that is all about celebrating you? [Yes, PLEASE..where do we sign up?!) We would love for you to join us in all the fun! This night is about celebrating YOU with the Red Stick Moms Blog’s First Birthday Fête! We would not have made it this far without the amazing support of the many Baton Rouge area moms. We couldn’t be more excited about the success of a great first year of connecting with local moms. So,...
It was a typical Sunday afternoon. The sun was shining, the TV was blasting Disney tunes, the house smelled of Pine Sol as I cleaned the house, and my boys were playing contently in their rooms. Or so I thought. I walked into my 3 year old's room to instruct him to pick up his toys so I could vacuum his room. Upon entering, I could see his stout little body standing amidst his toys (the millions of toys) doing something inexplicably horrible. I won't go into detail, but it involved a bodily function. On his toys.  And on the carpet. And wherever else it may have sprayed in his startled state of mind when I shrieked. I asked him why he...

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Shop and Save :: Second Hand September (or Any Month!)

Shop and Save :: Second Hand September (or Any Month!) If you're like me, your focus is all over the place you're in charge of...