Years ago, I felt called to become a teacher.  I was working full-time in the private-sector and was feeling like I needed more time at home with my son, who was not quite one yet.  In my head, this was a perfect fit, I would go into work at 8AM, be home by 3PM, and have the entire summer, as well as holidays to spend more time with my son.  What occupation could be a better balance of work and family, right? Fast-forward through six weeks of Alternative Certification Training, as well as a few weeks in Summer School as a Student Teacher, and BAM!  I’m a Teacher!  A real one, with a classroom all my own and 125+ students...
Dear Mother of my future student, Summer is drawing to an end and a new school year is upon us.  The smell of freshly waxed floors and sharpened pencils fills the air as I sit here in my classroom anticipating your little one, plus 20 something more. I'm writing this letter to you now because there are some things I want you to know. I want you to know that just like you are most likely anxious about your child's new teacher and grade, I am anxious, too.  I have been counting down the days until the pitter-patter of little feet in brand new shoes fills my room with their nervous little smiles.   I am anxious about learning what my students like to do, what...
If it hasn’t happened yet, it will. There will be one day when your child is introduced to a child in a wheelchair, a child with leg braces, or a child that is nonverbal. They will definitely be curious. Guess what - that is ok; great actually. Here is your chance to teach your child the wonderful and necessary lesson of acceptance and empathy. At first you might be embarrassed, especially if your child screams “What’s wrong with that kid?” Take that opportunity to teach there is nothing WRONG with any child. Trust me, parents of children with special needs have heard it all. An innocent child asking that question is not the first or last time they will hear that,...
With Little Pnuts we hope to get children back into imagination, creativity, and play. We want children to get up off the couch, step from behind a computer, turn off the television, and find accomplishment in playtime. What is Little PNuts? Little Pnuts is a unique subscription toy company that sends special deliveries of eco-friendly, sustainable, natural & organic toys, to arrive on your doorstep! You choose the age range of your child, give a little information about his/her gender and birthdate, choose a subscription service, and then enjoy for years to come! (We also love that this company is based right in New Orleans!) You will receive 4 quarterly special deliveries each containing 3-5 toys.  The toys that your child receives in each...

Leading by Example

While taking my boys out to a local park for some bike riding practice, I found myself walking around the area and noticed a good bit of litter on the ground.  With nothing else to do, I decided to pick up a few pieces.  Before I knew it and without me even asking them, the boys picked up on what I was doing and starting following behind me to see who could pick up the most! Everything is a contest in their minds.  Within 10 minutes, we’d gathered up an entire milk crate of garbage and I felt immediate gratification from being able to leave the park better than we found it.  I also felt a sense of pride in...

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Red Magnolia Theatre Company :: How a Local Theater Company is...

Red Magnolia Theatre Company :: How a Local Theater Company is Celebrating Hispanic Month Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated in Baton Rouge from September 15...