Ready or not, spring is here! I can't wait! Sunshine. Outdoor Activities. Longer Days. New, Bright, and Colorful Clothes. Oh my! I love seeing kids in pastel colors and airy fabrics after the dark colors and layers of winter. Just picture an adorable seersucker dress with yellow piping or linen shorts with a pastel pink collared shirt. Can we say adorable?? I enjoy dressing my kids in boutique or higher end brands, but I am also not one to let my fashion vision break the bank. I have a few tips on how to dress your kids without going broke. Firstly, I am constantly browsing web sites to see what's available that season. This way I can keep an eye out for sales...
It happened nearly a decade ago but the experience has stuck with me. The younger sister of a close friend from my hometown was a freshman at LSU and I was a senior. My friend told me that her sister was going through a rough breakup, which I could relate to, so I called her up and invited her to dinner. I was expecting to trade stories of betrayal over sushi, but was shocked when instead she told me that the boy she was heartbroken to lose had been physically abusing her for years. I'd known this girl since she was a tween. I knew her family and I knew that they were very involved in their childrens' lives,...
We are back this month with another Heart & Home! To view all the homes in this series, click here. Today's home is full of surprises.  Colors, patterns, and accessories are combined in ways you would never think of...but that is what makes Samantha Samson's home so unique and so memorable.  This stay-at-home mom of two can decorate a room, plan a party, and whip up dinner faster than I've ever seen, yet each and every detail has been carefully thought out and planned for.  She is down-to-earth, loves to have fun, and is constantly an inspiration to those around her. She's the friend you have around when you are just stuck and need an idea hashed out. She's the...

All About Barre

After my second son Ben was born (all 9 pounds 14 ounces of him), my body was less than ideal.  I had gained 70 pounds during my pregnancy with him, and after he was born I wondered if I would ever get my pre-baby body back.  I was especially concerned because my core muscles were extremely weak, and I was having back pain. One day, as I was driving home, I passed The Bar Method.  At the time, the studio had not opened, but I was curious as to what it was and what types of exercises it offered.  I spent a few weeks doing a little research online, and I discovered that it was an ideal workout for pregnancy...
Life Insurance.  It’s one of those things that no one likes to worry about.  Of course, a death in the family is unthinkable. Being unprepared for one makes it much more difficult.  And, let’s face it. We all die. Protecting your family using life insurance can provide you with peace of mind so that you don’t have to worry about the "whens" and the "what ifs". So who am I to tell you about life insurance? Long before I became a mommy, I got my undergraduate degree in Finance & Insurance and spent several years working in the insurance industry.  My passion for life insurance grew the more I learned about the wonderful benefits it can provide, not only in...

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Around Baton Rouge

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...