Disclosure :: This post is sponsored by Bedtime Bliss Pediatric Sleep Consulting. The experiences relayed below are genuinely our own. Blissful Sleep is Possible :: How a Sleep Consultant Can Help Remember that time in our lives when sleep wasn’t something we longed for so much? We could sleep in until 9am on a Saturday morning and it was pure bliss, although we just didn’t know it at the time. Fast forward to parenthood! Ahhhh, the days of sleep are long gone … BUT are they really? What if I told you there is a caring person who will hold your hand while guiding you through the process of maximizing healthy sleep habits for your child? Scouring the internet for a “one size...
We’re a family that cloth diapers. We’ve had this plan before Maverick was born, and I remember having friends and family members chuckle at the idea of us doing it. “You won’t have time”, “It’s so expensive to cloth diaper” were two of the things I heard the most. Surprisingly, I don’t find it very time consuming. I mean you’re going to change a diaper anyway so why can’t it be a cloth? I’m not going to lie, though, the idea at first made me nervous, I mean spraying poop in the toilet kinda made me cringe ... especially newborn / beginning stages of solids poop. But I will try anything to save money. I did some research and...
Our home has currently been taken over by Maverick’s molars. Our once happy go-lucky babe is now in so much pain from his gums bleeding that all he wants to do is cry, be held, and watch either Mickey or Moana. Some seasons in toddlers’ lives are so much fun and amazing that you just don’t want them to end. This season? This is not one of those. It’s also one that I feel like drags on forever ... anyone else feel that way? Between getting sick and teething, Mav has had probably 3 full days of happiness in the last  month. We’ve tried everything and anything that may help ease the pain and would comfort him, and luckily some...
If you walk into our house at 2pm, there is silence. And darkness. And non-touchingness.  All of the little people are in their rooms, and Momma gets a break. We don't schedule anything in the afternoons and avoid having anyone over.  I am a work from home / stay at home mom with four girls, all 4 and under. I adore them all and wouldn't change our crazy for anything. I love their hugs and kisses, their sweet voices and curious minds. But they touch me all. day. long. And the questions - so. many. questions. So Momma needs a break and Momma has made a break. At 1:30, everyone gets a snack, drink, bottle ... WHATEVER your age & stage dictates. At 1:45 you go potty / get...
Note: This post is part our series in observance of World Breastfeeding Week and is sponsored by Woman's Hospital.  Breastfeeding {Surviving the Early Days} As I write this I'm in the midst of the early days of breastfeeding. Luckily it is with my second child, so some of the fears associated with being the sole source of nourishment for this tiny being aren't there. Or at least, not as blaring as with my first.  The first time around I distinctly remember keeping copious notes of every feeding, wet and dirty diaper, and any other detail I thought I might need. For weeks. I know it helped me feel more confident that my son was getting enough milk. But when I finally decided...

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