The other day, as I dropped the last kid off in carpool, I switched the radio from our kid-friendly station to the nostalgic sounds of the 90's. And as Bush came blaring through my speakers, I couldn't help but burst into laughter! Lyrics I used to belt out with the angst and anguish only a teen can, have suddenly taken on new meaning as a mom! Y'all, EVERY song is applicable to motherhood! I present to you: 90's Lyrics That Totally Apply to Motherhood. I’m never alone, I’m alone all the time. - Glycerine, Bush  Save tonight, fight the break of dawn. - Save Tonight, Eagle Eye Cherry   She doesn’t own a dress, her hair is always a mess. - Meet Virginia, Train   Will I choose water...
My little guy and I are at our six-month breastfeeding mark. This is a goal I am really happy about hitting, especially considering I didn’t nurse my first son. I tried every trick in the book, but in the end he ended up being formula fed which is *okay. (*Yes, yes fed is best!) However, with my working knowledge on the cost of formula, I was determined to make it work. Here are some of my thoughts throughout this journey...  Month One Oh wow! This little baby latched immediately! We’re going to do this! ::one day later:: okay. We’re not going to do this. Why does this hurt so bad? Is this much lanolin healthy for the baby? I need something...
My husband hurriedly snapped the obligatory pictures of me in the wheelchair holding our newborn as we were wheeled out of the hospital. It was freezing, and we were eager to get into the warm van. The van - a vehicle I never expected I'd need, much less want - that was now full of car seats of varying stages. The seats of our big boys in the back, our toddler and newborn girls in the middle, and Mommy and Daddy in the front. Our hearts and van were full, and honestly, the logistics of transportation are one of the primary reasons that we have to be done. Because if left to our feelings, my husband and I would never...
Disclosure :: This post is sponsored by Bedtime Bliss Pediatric Sleep Consulting. The experiences relayed below are genuinely our own. Blissful Sleep is Possible :: How a Sleep Consultant Can Help Remember that time in our lives when sleep wasn’t something we longed for so much? We could sleep in until 9am on a Saturday morning and it was pure bliss, although we just didn’t know it at the time. Fast forward to parenthood! Ahhhh, the days of sleep are long gone … BUT are they really? What if I told you there is a caring person who will hold your hand while guiding you through the process of maximizing healthy sleep habits for your child? Scouring the internet for a “one size...
We’re a family that cloth diapers. We’ve had this plan before Maverick was born, and I remember having friends and family members chuckle at the idea of us doing it. “You won’t have time”, “It’s so expensive to cloth diaper” were two of the things I heard the most. Surprisingly, I don’t find it very time consuming. I mean you’re going to change a diaper anyway so why can’t it be a cloth? I’m not going to lie, though, the idea at first made me nervous, I mean spraying poop in the toilet kinda made me cringe ... especially newborn / beginning stages of solids poop. But I will try anything to save money. I did some research and...

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Football :: A Huddle Of Blessings

Football :: A Huddle Of Blessings Since my son Maison could walk, he loved playing sports. His first sport was basketball, and he played his...