There’s only a few things in life that I’m “extra” about, and one of them is dress-up days for my kids. I truly love when my children come home from school with a flyer about an upcoming themed-dress day. It might be Book Character Day, Star Wars Day, Crazy Hair Day, or Dress like a President Day – all I see is a good project! Truthfully, I haven’t come across a theme that I couldn’t handle with my trusty hot glue gun, a trip to the local thrift store, and some out of the box thinking.
Pinterest Inspiration for the Win
I want my kids to participate in everything, so my first go-to for ideas is Pinterest. Living in the era...
Walking into the store, you are bombarded with pastel colors, Reese’s eggs, jelly beans, chocolate bunnies, plastic candy-filled eggs, and all things bunny-shaped. Easter season is here and that means Easter baskets. Christmas was just a few months ago (and then Valentine’s Day), so of course I don’t want to spend a lot of money on Easter. Here are my tips for making quick and easy budget-friendly Easter baskets.
Think outside the basket
Don’t worry about that traditional Easter basket that will just get tossed to the side anyway. Use a beach bucket, umbrella, rain boots, baseball cap, or small plastic organization bin. Get creative! When looking at non-traditional baskets, think of ways you can use it after Easter, like for...
Picture it: South Louisiana, 2021. Mardi Gras has been canceled and an ice storm has settled over the land, a frosty wonder trapping all of us already po' Louisiana drivers in our homes. WITH OUR KIDS AND TOO MUCH TIME ON OUR HANDS.
Everything was driving me crazy: the kids playing Throw Throw Burrito in the living room, the music coming from the Playstation while it updated, the fact that my house was still a disaster from my Valentine bake-a-thon the day before. And when I'm stressed, I resort to my three B's. B*tching, Bleaching, or Baking. And since the last is likely the healthiest (mentally - definitely not calorically), ya girl went back into the kitchen.
The day before, I'd...
The home we currently live in has gone through three renovations. We just wrapped up the third, and the second largest in the house at 1,700 sq. foot. While the house looks great, there were a lot of bumps along the way. Renovating a home is not like an HGTV design show where a crew comes in to knock down a wall or two, paint goes up, you have fun with all of the finishes, and you come in under budget. It is a long, messy, stressful project that can get away from you if you let it.
Get At Least 3 Bids Before Choosing a Contractor
It is important to get more than one bid so that you can compare...
Let's hit that Louisiana style quarantine drinkin' - change ya consons', put your night time jammies on, get the kiddos to bed, put on a live Concert on da Facebooks to jam, and whip out the booze!
I have had this Mint & Lemon Verbena from Cocktail & Sons for a while and I figured it is time to try to make a Mint Julep. So I texted some friends to see what kind of whiskey I needed, they recommended a Bourbon Whiskey and this Benchmark was on sale {Mais, I can't pass up a good sale}, none of us know what bitters are but we will get it any way to follow the recipe, then I picked it all...