Are teachers harder on boys than girls? If you’d asked me this question a few years ago when I was a classroom teacher, I’d say, “No indeed. In this classroom, all students are treated equally.” However, if you ask me as the parent of a boy, I’d say, “Absolutely! Boys are definitely disciplined harder and more often than girls.” In many cases, for reasons I can’t explain, when it comes to behavior, it seems that boys are held to a higher and much stricter standard than their female classmates. Gender bias in schools really hit home for me one year when I felt my son was issued the raw end of a very bad deal. Now, let me pause here...
Disclosure :: This post was sponsored by the East Baton Rouge Parish School System. Planning for Success in the 2020-21 School Year The East Baton Rouge Parish School System is focused on adapting the educational landscape to overcome the unique challenges presented by the pandemic. Innovative changes will be made to create an environment where every child can succeed no matter the circumstance. By prioritizing student safety and quality learning environments, we’re continuing to look forward and make adjustments together for a successful 2020-21 school year. We look forward to involving you in the process and hearing your feedback on the developing plans for the school year ahead: Learn From Experience - At the end of the 2019-20 school year, the district...
Disclosure :: This post is sponsored by The Dunham School.  Preparing Students for Academic Success Amid COVID-19: Tips for Parents With the outbreak of COVID-19 earlier this year, schools across the country shut their doors and transitioned to a new mode of teaching and learning. Over the course of a few days, parents became homeschoolers and family rooms became classrooms as distance learning became the new normal. To be sure, experiences varied from school to school, with some parents reporting a high degree of satisfaction with distance learning and others concerned their children didn’t have a quality experience. While it’s safe to say that everyone—parents and students alike—are ready to enjoy a much needed summer break, the tips below may be helpful...
Disclosure :: This post was sponsored by the East Baton Rouge Parish School System (EBR Schools).  EBR Strong Start: Make the Most of Your Child’s Summer This school year was a change of pace for many students who had to quickly shift gears to virtual learning, which might have left them feeling behind or unprepared for the coming year. Now with school winding down and summer on the horizon, that dreaded “summer slide” looks steeper than normal. As parents scramble to find avenues to keep students in-tune with their education this summer, the East Baton Rouge Parish School System is creating ​new ways to help your kids adjust to their changing educational experience. While traditional summer learning options such as Summer Remediation...
Those three little words set my skin on fire every single time I hear them: Let's go back to the Good Ole Days (aka) when things were easier for me and my privilege was not checked? Hear me out for a moment: Don't read my very first sentence and get all defensive, I know full well that when my mom says something similar she means: ("I want to go back to when my mom was still alive, you saw your family every single day, and leaving your door unlocked was completely normal".) I assume that most people feel this way, in some small way we all miss childhood and the simplicity of it. HOWEVER, when a politician or someone in power makes...

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Following The Pink and Gold Sparkly Road : How Joining a...

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