  There is nothing that can drain us all like the daily grind can. Sometimes (most of the time) it can feel like Groundhog’s Day. Same routines, same people, different day. Sometimes it can feel like you are living in your car or that you are an Uber driver for your family. Everyone else looks as if they are relaxing the day away while you are going cross-eyed. What if I told you that you are not the only one who is busy? Newsflash: there are other busy people out there. It might feel like you are alone but reality is, you aren’t. Millions of women right now are probably just as busy as you are and like you, trying to...

Do It Scared

Picture, it Sicily … Just kidding, but if Sophia Petrillo is not your role model, you’re doing life incorrectly. Ok.   Picture it, south Louisiana May 2016. I was scheduled to compete in my first Jiu Jitsu competition. I know you’re thinking, "wow, what could possibly go wrong with this story?" After training Jiu Jitsu for approximately two weeks (you read that correctly), I decided it was the appropriate time to sign up for a competition. If you’re not familiar with Jiu jitsu, it’s a grappling martial art similar to wrestling. Having no background in martial arts, wrestling, or sports, this seemed like a great idea. *This is the part in the story where I tell you that I’m extremely sarcastic and dry. If...
I didn’t miscarry my baby. I felt her die inside of me. I felt every contraction for days. I cried & begged & pleaded for life. I didn’t lose my baby. I was painfully aware of that life bleeding out of my body. She’s not lost, I’ll never forget her.  It’s been three years and I’m still plagued with thoughts who she would have been. I still cry over never getting to see her face or feel her move. Despite my doctor’s kind reassurance, I still fall into the black hole of “what if it *was* something I did.” Even when we did get pregnant again, I spent nine months holding my breath. I lied about date of my last period because I...
As a teacher, I have heard that it is easy for adults to give general praise, yet specific criticism. For example, when grading a paper, a teacher might write "Great job!" at the top, but then be very specific by circling and underlining things that they should change or improve. While we need to show children what they need to work on, this can also become a frame of mind that focuses more on the negative rather than how children can grow. As a parent, I feel like it's so easy to criticize specifically, but it's something I definitely want to change.   "Great job at your swim meet!" is a general comment that is affirming, but that I could...
Dear Mamas, I know it is hard. Parenting is the craziest roller-coaster of life I have ever been on. There are some really high highs and very low lows pretty much weekly in my life. I have days where I feel like the BEST MOM EVER, and then there are other days when I text my friend and make sure I am not totally ruining my kids’ lives. I want you to remember something – you are enough. You were given each and every child that you have had in your life for a reason. Whether they are yours by birth or they are in your home for a few short months or for their entire lives. You are the perfect...

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Around Baton Rouge

Following The Pink and Gold Sparkly Road : How Joining a...

The Pink and Gold Sparkly Road : How Joining a Local Dance Krewe Enhanced my Life Three years ago, I was recovering from a devastating...