Health + Wellness

health + wellness in Baton RougeAsk any Baton Rouge mom what she wants for her children, and health + wellness will be one of her first responses. Whether it’s the mental health of her teenagers, how much screen time to allow her toddlers or struggling with breastfeeding, moms simply want the best outcome for their children’s overall health.

Red Stick Mom provides local families with the latest resources, perspectives and expert advice about the important choices affecting the health + wellness of your Baton Rouge family.

Parents already have a lot of decisions to make! Finding consistent and reliable resources for raising a family in Baton Rouge shouldn’t be overwhelming, especially when it comes to the family’s health + wellness. There are so many issues to consider for kids these days, from children’s mental well-being to food dyes and whether those matter to vaccines and when to get them. And that’s not even taking mom and dad’s health into account!

Enduring a long NICU stay? We’ve been there. Looking for a great urgent care for children in Baton Rouge? Red Stick Mom has suggestions. We’ve talked about taking mental health days for kids, how to battle pesky molluscum, and arthritis in children. These are just a few of the health + wellness questions we’ve addressed on Red Stick Mom over the nine years we’ve served the community.

We’ve covered many different aspects of health + wellness over the years, from a scary breast cancer diagnosis to the benefit of chiropractic care during pregnancy to miscarriages and pregnancy loss. Whether we’re discussing birth or adolescence, Red Stick Mom strives to provide relevant health + wellness content for Baton Rouge families in a timely fashion. Best of all, every resource on Red Stick Mom is free to readers.

With the help of more than 25 Baton Rouge moms, Red Stick Mom makes it easy to locate important and accurate health + wellness information for busy families.

Disclaimer: This is a guest post from Dr. Leanne Redman, associate professor of women’s health studies at Pennington Biomedical Research Center. You can get to know her more here and read her first post here. Her facts and opinions are based on her personal research. Red Stick Moms Blog was not paid to promote any specific medical viewpoints or studies. Always consult your physician with any medical questions.   With technology at our fingertips, 21st century moms have evolved to be savvy readers on health and wellness topics important to their own health and the health of their family. Lucky for us that with the development of the internet, many important health and medical organizations developed educational and research materials that are...
My two boys love few things more than swimming in their grandparents' pool.  Neither of my boys have ever been afraid of the water, which might seem like a good thing.  But for this momma, it is TERRIFYING.  I knew very early on that in order for us to be able to enjoy the pool, my boys would need to start learning safety rules as soon as possible.  After all, drowning is the number two cause of accidental death among children, and more than 1,500 children are killed in water-related accidents each year.  Thankfully, my mother-in-law is a well-respected and amazing swim instructor, so she has (for years) been teaching me proper techniques and tips for keeping children safe...
As a Speech and Language Pathologist, I am writing this series in hopes to address concerns when it comes to your child’s speech and what to expect if you feel like your child might not be reaching their milestones. If you are just joining us, be sure to start with Part 1 right here. In the previous post, I covered those terrible, I mean, wonderful two's! If you've survived this year, give yourself a pat on the back.  But look out, year three is next and there will be a huge jump in speech and language development for many children.  Your child is now using complete sentences, describing daily events and even telling people those little family secrets (like all they...
As a Speech and Language Pathologist, I am writing this series in hopes to address concerns when it comes to your child’s speech and what to expect if you feel like your child might not be reaching their milestones. If you are just joining us, be sure to start with Part 1 right here. In the previous post, I covered the fast-moving ages of 12-24 months.  Your little baby is a toddler now and is learning a TON from the world around them.  This week, we are heading in to the next year: ages 24-36 months.  This is the age where your child goes from incessantly labeling everything in your house to describing actions and making mini sentences. You see their personalities emerge in their language,...
As a Speech and Language Pathologist, I am writing this series in hopes to address concerns when it comes to your child’s speech and what to expect if you feel like your child might not be reaching their milestones. If you are just joining us, be sure to start with Part 1 right here. In the previous post, we covered those unforgettable first twelve months of speech and language development.  Now, faster than you can imagine, that little bundle has been growing and learning for an entire year! While you are adjusting to having a ONE year old, your baby is exploring the world around them...running, climbing and playing with new toys and books. Just imagine all the wonderful langugae oppurtunities available to you and your child....

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