In and Around Baton Rouge

in and around Baton Rouge With Kids

Baton Rouge is a big place that offers both the fun of a college campus (Geaux Tigers) and the amenities of a city. There’s a lot to see in and around Baton Rouge. Even if you’ve lived here all your life, there’s still a lot to discover in Louisiana’s capital.

If you’re leaving the house, there’s a good bet that Red Stick Mom has your activity covered, from indoor playgrounds to parks to restaurants to the events that everyone in Baton Rouge is talking about.

At Red Stick Mom, we have family fun in Baton Rouge for all seasons covered, as well as creative ideas for every member of the family. Our team of more than 25 Baton Rouge moms is always looking for activities, events, and inspiration for everything from how to host the perfect Baton Rouge birthday party for kids to hidden gems in Baton Rouge.

Each year, we publish an extensive list of summer camps options in and around Baton Rouge, keeping you informed about all of the best childcare choices for your Baton Rouge family. We’ve got an eye on the local Baton Rouge schools, helping parents make the best decision for their students. We’ll even help you find the best swim lessons in Baton Rouge.

Our writers live in and around Baton Rouge, so we’ve got a lot of experience finding the best things about living in Baton Rouge with kids. We’ve made it through countless weather events like the 2016 floods together and will always connect Baton Rouge moms to one another for assistance and support.

We know that living in Baton Rouge means choosing from a variety of neighborhoods and lifestyles, and we are here for it all. No matter where you live in Baton Rouge, and no matter where your kids go to school in Baton Rouge … Red Stick Mom is here to make life in Baton Rouge with kids easier and more fun!

Disclosure :: This awesome Mom Prom event was held at the lovely East Baton Rouge Parish Main Library. Our evening wouldn't have been the same without our amazing community sponsors : Kismet Cosmetics, The Massage Emporium, Air Blow Dry Bar, Cake Face Soaping, Bar Genie, Parker Madison Designs, Whole Foods, Newk's Eatery, Zoes Kitchen, Cupcake Allie, Java Mama Cafe & Indoor Play, City Gelato, European Wax Center, , Harb's Oasis, SmileBox Photos, Associates in Pediatric Dentistry and Junior League of Baton Rouge!  Mom Prom: Bahama Mama Recap Let's just say that Friday, May 13th was a lucky night for us all! We were able to get away for delicious food and adult beverages completed with shopping and dancing at Mom Prom! The ambiance was tropical, the air was breezy...
SmileBox Photos: Bringing Fun To The Party!   Who Are They? Josh and his wife Sara are local owners of the awesome SmileBox Photos here in the greater Baton Rouge area. They are passionate about making parties unforgettable, fun and interactive. SmileBox Photos is the ultimate party pic photographer for your event in the greater Baton Rouge area. They offer two different options for events: a traditional booth that fits 2 or 3 people or a step and repeat that can hold up to 25! They can customize your experience, provide all the equipment, the backdrop, and props. All you have to do is kick back and have fun with your guests! What Sets Them Apart?  Josh and Sara don't just set up the booth and leave it; they have an attendant on...
Disclosure :: our friends at Painting and Pinot sponsored this post.  Easy Birthday Parties with Painting and Pinot Let's start with a personal story. When I had my first daughter, I couldn’t wait to Pinterest the heck out of her 1st birthday party. After days of preparing homemade decorations, buying ridiculous little plastic cups for the “baby bar,” and cleaning my house like I was about to perform surgery, I sat back and thought “NEVER AGAIN.” I doubt I could do away with birthday parties all together, but I sure as heck was NOT doing this on my own any more. When it came time for my daughter’s 2nd birthday party, we had it at a local park, which was cheap, easy and uneventful....
We were so honored and thrilled to have the opportunity to gather approximately 80 Baton Rouge area moms last week in honor of motherhood. In partnership with Dr. Smith's, Baton Rouge General Medical Center and Zoes Kitchen we welcomed dozens of mothers and moms-to-be to Bloom, an event designed specifically for new and expectant moms in Baton Rouge. The Venue :: Baton Rouge General Baton Rouge General welcomed all of us with open arms. We loved being able to share their newly renovated birthing center with our guests, and all attendees left the event armed with some fun goodies thanks to our hosting venue as well. The best part? One Baton Rouge mom left with a crib that she won courtesy BRG!...
Child abuse never entered my mind until I stumbled into the Prevent Child Abuse Louisiana office in 2002 trying to complete a project for my class at LSU. Flash forward 14 years, and I can’t imagine spending a day NOT thinking about it. The victims last year in Louisiana alone could fill 530 elementary school classrooms. And 39 Louisiana children lost their lives to abuse and neglect last year. I can’t get the image of those 39 empty desks out of my mind. Can you imagine our outrage and action if we were losing 39 children a year to an illness or to a ride at an amusement park? The good news is that child abuse and neglect is 100%...

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Around Baton Rouge

The Best Coffee in BR is Actually in Ascension

The Best Coffee in BR is Actually in Ascension Like a lot of moms I'm often in need of caffeine on a regular basis and...