Ah yes, the child who hates being in the car. I know I am not alone -- many of you have experienced vehicular wrath in the worst form. If you've never had a child who hates being in the car (oh how I envy you), let me just tell you it's pure TORTURE. First of all, you can't reach them to console them. Secondly, you're driving a moving vehicle and have to, ya know, drive. Thirdly, you can't get away from the screams (due to the whole moving vehicle thing). If you have other children in tow, they'll eventually start crying too either due to being awoken by the initial crier or they can't take it anymore or they just want to...
I quit sleep training before I even started and that’s ok. I’m sure, not unlike many new mothers, I was totally unprepared for motherhood. I guess no one can really prepare you for what’s about to happen, but I was particularly not at all prepared for the physical and mental exhaustion. There were many days that I was so sleep deprived I could have fallen asleep standing up. Sleep was so very important to me; I’d give up food before sleep. I was also very honest about my position on bed sharing. My position was simply that there would be no bed sharing. I adore my children but I adore them even more when we all can retreat to our...
I was one of the lucky ones for whom breastfeeding happened pretty naturally with my son. My milk came in just fine, we had no problems with latching, and once I got past the initial raw-ness it was painless. My little man had a great appetite and was gaining weight, but he certainly wasn't a chunk either. I went back to work after 8 weeks of maternity leave and struggled with the breast pump, but I had committed to myself and my son to breastfeed as long as I could, so I pushed on. I had been back at work less than a week when I got a text from the family member caring for my son. It was of...
Before my son was born, when the question came up as to whether or not I would breastfeed him, the answer was always a resounding YES! Breastfeeding was something I very much wanted to do for him. (Ha! Parenting is SO easy before you actually have a baby.) Our son surprised us by coming almost six weeks early. I was still reading the pregnancy books and hadn't yet moved onto the "now-I-have-a-baby-what-the-heck-do-I-do?" books. Fortunately, he didn't have to spend any time in the NICU but as I worked through the shock that my baby was actually here, I also struggled to breastfeed. The nurses and the lactation consultants kept telling me "He's a preemie; it will take him a little longer to figure it out,...
We are expecting our second child in November and couldn't be more thrilled!! And a little terrified, let's be honest. I am blessed, honored and grateful to have this little life inside of me. But bringing another person into the fold will be a major adjustment for us all, perhaps for my 2-year-old more than anyone else. In addition to speaking to her about all things Baby, we've also been reading her story books about becoming an older sister and I think it's been truly beneficial. I've probably read about 40 of these types of books for children over the past 7 months, which is a significant amount...BUT there are probably at least 100 on the topic, so I can't say I've read them...

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Following The Pink and Gold Sparkly Road : How Joining a...

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