Nothing makes me feel more nostalgic than sitting around the table with family, enjoying a meal that I grew up loving.
One of our favorites and one that has been passed down from my grandmother is her famous Zucchini Boats. I have vivid memories of watching my Grandma prepare these in her kitchen and the highlight of watching them bake with the oven light on. It's a simple recipe that requires little ingredients.
Zucchini Boats
1 lb. Hamburger
2-3 Large Zucchinis
1 Yellow Onion
1 Green Pepper
1 Red Pepper
1 cup Instant Rice
1 can Diced Tomatoes (14.5oz)
3 stalks of Celery
Parsley or Fresh Basil
Salt & Pepper
Cheese (of choice) for topping
1). Preheat oven @ 350*
2). Cut...
School has started back, things are slowly returning to normal(ish), and life is busier than ever. It feels like the weeks are starting to pass in a blur and some days we are struggling to hold it together. Between work, home life, and keeping up with the kids and their activities, things are hectic, to say the least. I love finding time-saving tricks to make mom life a little easier, and today I’m sharing five with you.
Have a Go-To Meal Plan
As much as I love to meal plan, sometimes it can be a daunting task on a busy week. My solution? Keep a few pre-made meal plan options on hand to reference when you’re in a pinch. I have...
The past week has been a hard one for many Louisianians who are dealing with the destruction left behind from Hurricane Laura. In the days leading up to the storm when we weren’t sure where it would make landfall, I, like many, was glued to the TV and social media waiting for updates. As I scrolled through Facebook, I saw several variations of the following post:
This got me thinking. Even though I have lived in Louisiana my entire life and have been through my fair share of storms, there hasn’t been a serious hurricane in our area since I’ve become a mom. Growing up (and even as a young adult in college), my parents handled any and all storm...
Meal planning! Do you love it? Hate it? Never tried it before?
If you’ve never heard of meal planning (which I’m sure most of you modern mamas have) it is a skill easily learned where you take time to plan any number of meals for the week. This can include every single meal including snacks or just dinner. Meal planning can be adapted to every family’s needs. In a gist, meal planning is asking the what’s for dinner question once for the whole week! Are you on board yet?
Planning out our meals is such a life saver for my family for a few reasons:
When we have a meal plan, we don’t eat out as much which saves so much...
The home we currently live in has gone through three renovations. We just wrapped up the third, and the second largest in the house at 1,700 sq. foot. While the house looks great, there were a lot of bumps along the way. Renovating a home is not like an HGTV design show where a crew comes in to knock down a wall or two, paint goes up, you have fun with all of the finishes, and you come in under budget. It is a long, messy, stressful project that can get away from you if you let it.
Get At Least 3 Bids Before Choosing a Contractor
It is important to get more than one bid so that you can compare...