As we roll into 2020, gear up for Mardi Gras and a new decade, I have made the decision to stop checking out via social media. I spent too much time on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter as a way to get through 2019. While it’s not a new me, I am hoping to bring an improved version of me into 2020 and beyond. Delete…. I realized that I was not as present as I wanted to be when it came to spending time with the kids and the husband. Facebook got a lot of scrolling out of me in 2019, so it was the first app I deleted on my phone. I now check Facebook one to two times a day...
"Is dinner ready yet?" That sentence usually pops up around 4:15 pm on any given day, right when you are starting to cook and wondering why you even bother. My kids come home from school, have a snack or two, and by 4 pm they are acting like they have not eaten in 3 days. I always say the same thing, "Guys, it is 4:00 - GO PLAY, it will be ready when it is ready." I am going to share some easy, and quick recipes below in hopes that it makes cooking dinner a little bit easier. Now let me just say, I am no chef! However my husband is, he is an executive chef and he is an...
Something about a new year makes me reevaluate my life. Whether you set goals or have a word of the year to go by, I think we can all agree that we love to save money! There are a few things I have done to line up our budget this year. We cut cable. It has now ALMOST been a year. We stream Netflix, Hulu ESPN and Disney+ but are saving $100 per month ($1,200.00 per year) NOT paying for cable. Our biggest concern was watching sports …we DO live in Louisiana after all. The ESPN app has everything that we need; we also have an antenna for anything that comes on major channels. We have two set days...
  There are three types of married women: My wedding dress is cleaned, preserved, boxed, and stored so my daughter can one day wear it in her wedding—if she wants. SOLD. I knew I was never wearing it again. I have no need for it. Why not make a buck or two? It’s a beautiful dress! The stuck .... I still have my dress, but I don’t know why. I don’t need it, but I haven’t done anything with it. Do you fit in to any of the those categories? I’ve been in number 3 for almost twelve years! When my daughter was seven months old we did a mini session of her sitting in my dress. It was adorable!...
A question was posed to me recently: Why are you filling every waking moment with a task? Outside of being obsessed with crossing things off my to-do list once accomplished, I couldn’t answer that question. Newsflash: You are not a bad mother or wife if every waking second is not filled with some task or chore to complete. I could delve into the psychology behind this, but I won’t. I will say this – I quickly realized that my husband and children aren’t going to end up unhappy, unfulfilled or in therapy because I didn’t fold a load of clothes at night instead of spending time with them. They will, however, remember that I didn’t spend time with them because I...

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Around Baton Rouge

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...