It was any other Wednesday. I went to my therapist, was on my way to a day date with the husband, and we made a stop at the tractor supply. That's when I saw them. They called to me. I imagined chasing them around the yard and helping cultivate my garden. My husband saw it in my eyes. He knew, we were about to be a chicken family. We picked my daughter up from school and back we went, four chickens were now part of the Andrus nest.
Now before you all get, "THINK THIS THROUGH!" Know this, I had been thinking about it. I knew the benefits of having a garden, livestock, and more. Ultimately creating a little homestead...
If you’re a single, working mom, who lives alone with your kid(s), you know how busy life can get. Sometimes it seems almost impossible to stay on top of things when you have little to no help on the home-front. I’ve been doing this for five years now, and throughout the years, I’ve managed to find ways to make my work week easier and more efficient.
#1 :: Walmart Grocery Pickup
This is a total game changer. Simply order your groceries online, choose a day and time to pick them up, and voila- you’ve saved yourself from an hour of grocery shopping with your kid! Because who really wants to do that? Not to mention, it allows me to see prices...
My name is Breana and I have three dogs.
I married into a dog family and their love for dogs runs real deep. Real real deep, y'all.
I grew up in a pet free home. When I would sleep at friend's houses who had pets, the moment I got home, my mother would throw all of my clothes in the wash. No fur in her house! Once my son was born, he had a fear of dogs for about two years ... then I met my husband and his family. Thankfully, they pretty much nursed the fear out of him and now he calls the dogs his brothers (they fuss and fight like brothers too)!
So how am I coping from a...
Hair. It’s something you don’t think about until it’s time to think about it. Growing up, hair was a big ordeal in my house. Afternoons would go into evenings with washing, combing, rollers, and sitting under a hair dryer while completing homework or reading. I can still feel the heat on the back of my neck from the dryer.
Speaking of heat, I would really feel it every 6-8 weeks when it was time to get a relaxer, or the process to chemically straighten my hair. My mom would sit me in the kitchen and I would whine and complain while the application took place. I think I got my first one when I was around five or six, and...
Who loves the Fall Season and loves easy crockpot recipes even more?! ME! I'd say every mom out there too. Of course some may be asking, what is in the heck is keto? Basically, it is a low carb and high (healthy) fat diet to help your body produce ketones to burn fat rather than using sugars/carbs for energy. Google will give you a much more scientific and better definition than the hoopla I provided.
My husband has had great success in losing weight by following this low carb plan. He is a total meat eater and could survive on ground meat alone with a painful amount of hot sauce. I, on the other hand, looooove me some carbs. I...