As a gym owner and instructor, a big part of my job is curating fun playlists. I love finding new music or remixes of older songs. As much as I enjoy discovering new music, nothing gets me more excited and ready to face the day than classic rock.
One of the most vivid memories I have from my childhood was hanging out at the pool with my friends as my parents and their friends blasted the Eagles greatest hits. I remember it being a big deal that we were listening to a CD over a surround sound system. Everyone was having a great time, and to this day when I hear the first the first few notes from “Take It...
As a mom, I feel like I am constantly trying to figure out how to efficiently run a household, make sure there is food in the fridge, do all of the school events and remember that I do have a spouse to spend time with too. For some, when life gets busy, housework is ignored. I get it, we are all trying to do what we can and there is always the saying "Cleaning can wait until tomorrow ... my kids are little and lovable" or something like that.
There is truth in that and if that works for you, live your life! For me, and I am guessing a few other parents out there, my anxiety only calms when...
There will always be a time when you will be stuck indoors due to thunderstorms, sickness, unpleasant outdoor temperatures, or maybe you just need a boredom buster for your family. Whatever the reason being, I think we all search for activities to entertain our little bundles of energy before chaos breaks out. We understand that children + energy + stuck indoors = disaster. I know, for my family, that playing with toys only lasts so long before the fighting and whining begins. From there, things go south quickly! So I started keeping a list of indoor activities to step in with to distract them or get them moving.
You will need a few items/supplies on hand to set up some...
It took approximately 20 minutes of our first day of summer for me to realize I needed a plan. It’s one thing when your children are spending a couple hours together after school before the family winds down for bed. It’s another thing when they have an endless amount of idle time together at home during the summer months. It’s messy. It’s arguing. It’s loud. It’s “I’m bored.” It’s exhausting. From what I’ve heard from my friends with children, we’re not alone.
After a couple days of discussing the behaviors that I was witnessing in our house with my husband, my teacher brain decided we needed a plan. Insert ...
The Kindness Jar
Here are the Kindness Jar specifics that my husband...
The most exhausting thing I do on a daily basis is make decisions. Mundane repetitive, often times insignificant decisions all day, every day. What's for breakfast? What's for lunch? What do we need to do today? Who needs clothes, doctor appointments, shoes? Mostly, these are easy to answer; it's just the relentlessness of them that makes them exhausting. Then, there are times that making a decision seems impossible, paralyzing even. How do you know it's the right choice? Are there repercussions for the wrong choice? How will this single choice affect my circumstances short term, long term? When in doubt and in need of guidance, I often call my dad. He is always up for listening and advising with...