Let's face it, garage sales are a ton of work.  And no one wants to do a ton of work without being rewarded, preferably in the form of cold, hard cash. Here are some tips for getting the most return on your investment for your next garage/yard sale. Advertising In this digital age, there are several ways to reach a large audience to let them know about your upcoming sale.  Combined with the traditional advertising methods, you can make sure that everyone in East Baton Rouge Parish knows to hit up your sale. Facebook Marketplace - The book of faces is a great way to reach your local friends (and have them share with their friends) the info about your sale....
Like most of you, I'm a mom on the go.  I've always seen my super crafty momma friends posting all these fun and cute holiday treats that they made with their kids.  I was determined that I was going to give my kids that lasting memory too, by George!  So a few years ago, I decided that for each holiday I'd do at least one holiday treat that we could all make and eat together!  This year, I got a little ahead of myself and did three! Eek!  They are so simple, quick, and fun to do with your kiddos' help! 1.  Pretzel Pumpkins Ingredients: Bag of salted mini pretzels green decorator's icing (or bag of m&m's, you'll only need the green ones) 1 bag of...

Why I Chose the Harness

We’ve always known our son Judah was active. From the moment I could feel his kicks in my belly, I knew we were in for it. We joke that he only has one speed: RUN. And for a two-year-old, he is quite the sprinter. I didn’t realize just how fast he was until I got pregnant and keeping up with him got harder and harder. After one particular trip to the zoo, I realized how quickly he could be gone. We were walking the trail that leads to the otters and dancing along with the Cajun music. Then all of a sudden it was like a switch flipped, and he darted through the rest of the trail like it was...
It was a typical Sunday afternoon. The sun was shining, the TV was blasting Disney tunes, the house smelled of Pine Sol as I cleaned the house, and my boys were playing contently in their rooms. Or so I thought. I walked into my 3 year old's room to instruct him to pick up his toys so I could vacuum his room. Upon entering, I could see his stout little body standing amidst his toys (the millions of toys) doing something inexplicably horrible. I won't go into detail, but it involved a bodily function. On his toys.  And on the carpet. And wherever else it may have sprayed in his startled state of mind when I shrieked. I asked him why he...
Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Indie Plate, a local grocery delivery service.  We proudly stand behind their product and the ideas presented in this post. "Breakfast is the most important meal of your day" - this is a saying that is often echoed by everyone around us. But with kids and work and a generally busy schedule, who has the time in the morning to cook up a lavish breakfast? What can you do as a busy mom who wants to feed their family a delicious breakfast, but just can't find the time or the energy in the morning to hit the kitchen? Like we, at IndiePlate, always say - "We don't just want to be known as a...

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Following The Pink and Gold Sparkly Road : How Joining a...

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