A lot of us have jumped on board of trying to find ways to be 'healthier' with it being the new year. This normally consists of a workout regime as well as an eating plan that limits the amount of processed foods and sugar we consume. Not good timing with it being Carnival Season ... hint, hint ... KING CAKES! I have been trying to limit the amount of sugar I eat, knowing that I will be able to get the rest of my family on board as well. Diet has been something on my list of things to do since we have had the assumption that my son was on the Autism spectrum as well as having ADD. We...
I lead a double life. I am the sister to twins, the wife of a twin, and now mother of twins. Things have come in twos all my life. I like to think that being a sister of twins and then marrying one prepared me for the role of raising twins. I’m not sure anything can really prepare you though. It’s double the trouble and twice the diapers. Double the tears and twice the tantrums. It’s double the good, the bad, and the ugly. Thankfully, I have a mom and mother-in-law to compare notes to. Their experience and perspectives from raising twins have been helpful for advice, a shoulder to cry on, or just an encouraging word or two. So yes, sometimes it’s double...
So you’ve seen the hashtags, posts, and statuses about Whole30. You’ve even read my post about it. And you’re intrigued. But you might even be on the fence about it because (insert excuse here). I get it. Looking at the pretty platters of food on Instagram after searching #whole30 look like you could totally eat that way, but what about actually preparing the food? Honestly, preparing the food was the most challenging part, but I finally got it down. I’ll explain what a typical day during Whole30 looked like for me. Breakfast Breakfast was typically two eggs with two pieces of Whole30 compliant bacon. I would also add some spinach and peppers, depending on time. If I was feeling super fancy on a...
Have you ever gone to the grocery store and bought all of the healthy food with every plan to eat healthy, and then you get sick and it all just sits in your fridge till you can stomach something again? Well, welcome to our household the past 2 weeks. I bought the biggest container of spinach at Costco with all the intent to make smoothies, salads and just all of the delicious food I found on Pinterest. But that all came to a screeching halt when I came down with the worst possible case of Pharyngitis and my son Maverick had a viral infection. Our days went from fun and laughter to some serious snuggles and constant holding (shout out...
National Cookie Day is upon us! I just recently found out about this day, and I’m so excited about it. This is almost as great as national donut day! So with all of that excitement, I’ve decided to share the most delicious cookie recipe ever. It’s vegan, but honestly don’t knock it till ya try it. These are obviously best served warm with a glass of milk, but they are just as delicious the day after (if there are any left).  Cookies So Delicious You Won't Know They're Vegan Ingredients 1/2 cup coconut oil, solid 1 and 1/4 cups dark brown sugar, packed 2 teaspoons vanilla extract (I add a little more for fun) 1/4 cup almond milk 1/4 cup unsweetened...

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Around Baton Rouge

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...