Organized sports have so many benefits. Children learn how to take turns, work as a group, and the benefits of practice. It’s an awesome way to enjoy exercise as well.
All children are different, some will get immense joy from winning, some will only get excited about snacks, but your kids should get something out of it. If not, maybe it’s not the sport for them. Gender roles have changed so much. Maybe your little girl enjoys playing football and your son is amazing at gymnastics. Go where their joy is.
My favorite sports for littles:
Soccer is amazing!
Soccer is so popular worldwide. They’ll work together with a team while having a great time. There are so many opportunities in the Baton Rouge area. Jack started soccer right before he turned two. It was adorable and he was pretty good for a toddler.
Basketball is a family favorite.
This game takes skill and athletics. Your child will learn a lot about teamwork, about how to gracefully win and lose. There are basketball teams with BREC parks department and with several local churches.
Baseball is a given.
There’s nothing more American than baseball. This one requires patience. My little will start this year and I’m hoping it works out. There are several leagues in Baton Rouge. The spring leagues should have sign up soon.
Tennis is fun.
It requires control and is so much fun. We love this so much. BREC and the YMCA are two of the places that have tennis for littles. It’s a great workout as well.
Football is another sport that’s pretty good for littles.
I’m a fan of contactless football. There are a lot of leagues in Baton Rouge. Make sure you ask if they’re a flag football league versus a contact league.
Gymnastics is great for flexibility and it’s exciting.
Most kids are going to do flips anyway, I want them to know how to do them the right way. There are so many amazing gymnastics gyms. LSU has an amazing team.
All in all, having children is sports gives your children an amazing experience that will benefit them in life. Just don’t forget their snacks and your camera.
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