
Baton Rouge mom

As a Baton Rouge mom, sometimes you simply need to connect with other local moms to hear their thoughts, perspectives and opinions about raising kids in Baton Rouge. The perspectives in parenting section of Red Stick Mom is focused on providing a place for readers to discover what other moms are thinking and how they are managing the ever-changing challenges that accompany the difficult job of being a parent.

There are many different perspectives on parenting and living in Baton Rouge with kids, and Red Stick Mom is a safe platform where these diverse opinions can be published and discussed. We strive to provide not just valuable information and resources to parents across Baton Rouge and the surrounding areas, but also a place to hear from other local moms and what they’re thinking about current issues facing families.

In our perspectives in parenting section, you’ll find lots of anecdotes and reflections on day-to-day life in Baton Rouge with kids. Our writers keep it real and are willing to share everything from what it’s like to not want to have a natural birth in Baton Rouge to why they chose ISR swim lessons in Baton Rouge to managing their time as a single mom.

Many of our perspectives in parenting stories offer an intimate look into the highs and lows of being a mom in Baton Rouge. Whether it’s avoiding the mom shame game, or the challenges of having multiple young kids, we think that the best way to work through motherhood is together. No topic is off limits, even if it means getting honest about body image issues for young girls in Baton Rouge.

The Red Stick Mom writers talk about important things that Baton Rouge moms need to know, like where to get the best tutoring help in Baton Rouge and where to take a day trip with kids when you just need to get out of town!

With more than 25 local moms writing for Red Stick Mom, we pride ourselves on being the premier parenting resource for living in Baton Rouge with kids. If there’s a topic or perspective that’s missing, we always invite our readers to let us know what they want to talk about next!

Dear Mamas, I know it is hard. Parenting is the craziest roller-coaster of life I have ever been on. There are some really high highs and very low lows pretty much weekly in my life. I have days where I feel like the BEST MOM EVER, and then there are other days when I text my friend and make sure I am not totally ruining my kids’ lives. I want you to remember something – you are enough. You were given each and every child that you have had in your life for a reason. Whether they are yours by birth or they are in your home for a few short months or for their entire lives. You are the perfect...

You Used to be Tiny

You Used to be Tiny You used to be tiny. So tiny you fit on my shoulder and when you cried, I could sing “You Are My Sunshine” to lull you into calm. When you fell asleep in the car, we could carefully unbuckle you and whisk you to the Rock N Play to sleep.  You’re still small, and you hate when people call you cute. Now, when I carry you, your feet dangle to my knees. Sometimes when you’re tired or sad, you’ll still request the “Sunshine Song” and I will always sing it, no matter what. You don’t often fall asleep on the ride home anymore (that stubborn streak you get from me) but when you do, we have...
Homework has suddenly found its way into my life again ... much, much sooner than anticipated. You see, this year my daughter is in a pre-k 4 program at her daycare. Last year, all she could talk about was how excited she was to be in the Pre-K4 class. She learned so much last year, and I knew that she would thrive this year. At this point, it's important for me to add that my daughter is not yet four. She is in this class early - a decision that at times I've thought was right, but I've also questioned that choice many times. A prime example of this happened one week into Pre-K4. As we were walking to the...
My friend recently told me her daughter has been going home lately complaining about a girl in her class who has learning disabilities. Her daughter gets home and unleashes a vast amount of negative emotions due to all the pent up frustrations she has throughout the school day concerning her workload. But more specifically there's one girl in her class who seems to be getting frustrated every time she doesn’t understand the lesson. According to my friend, the child screams, yells, and acts out begging for immediate attention. Come to find out, she has learning disabilities. Now, why is a child with special needs in a regular classroom, you ask? Well, according to the teacher, they are trying to...
My step-daughter called me a witch. Technically, I wasn't called a witch to my face, it was in a notebook that was a makeshift journal. I didn't mean to read it. It was an honest mistake. I walked into my step-child's room and saw a spiral notebook on the desk. I thought it was for school. I flipped it open to see which class and if I should bring it to the school or if the class had already passed. "She is such a witch," jumped out at me. It went on, but I garnered all the self control I could muster and closed the notebook. She had never spoken to me like this, and she definitely doesn't use the...

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Around Baton Rouge

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...