
Baton Rouge mom

As a Baton Rouge mom, sometimes you simply need to connect with other local moms to hear their thoughts, perspectives and opinions about raising kids in Baton Rouge. The perspectives in parenting section of Red Stick Mom is focused on providing a place for readers to discover what other moms are thinking and how they are managing the ever-changing challenges that accompany the difficult job of being a parent.

There are many different perspectives on parenting and living in Baton Rouge with kids, and Red Stick Mom is a safe platform where these diverse opinions can be published and discussed. We strive to provide not just valuable information and resources to parents across Baton Rouge and the surrounding areas, but also a place to hear from other local moms and what they’re thinking about current issues facing families.

In our perspectives in parenting section, you’ll find lots of anecdotes and reflections on day-to-day life in Baton Rouge with kids. Our writers keep it real and are willing to share everything from what it’s like to not want to have a natural birth in Baton Rouge to why they chose ISR swim lessons in Baton Rouge to managing their time as a single mom.

Many of our perspectives in parenting stories offer an intimate look into the highs and lows of being a mom in Baton Rouge. Whether it’s avoiding the mom shame game, or the challenges of having multiple young kids, we think that the best way to work through motherhood is together. No topic is off limits, even if it means getting honest about body image issues for young girls in Baton Rouge.

The Red Stick Mom writers talk about important things that Baton Rouge moms need to know, like where to get the best tutoring help in Baton Rouge and where to take a day trip with kids when you just need to get out of town!

With more than 25 local moms writing for Red Stick Mom, we pride ourselves on being the premier parenting resource for living in Baton Rouge with kids. If there’s a topic or perspective that’s missing, we always invite our readers to let us know what they want to talk about next!

  So here we are. The election season that has so divided friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers has finally come to an end. But with that end, comes a beginning. New leadership, new goals, new ideas. Some are happy. Some are guardedly optimistic. Some are angry. And some are fearful. One of the questions I hear most from moms on all sides of the spectrum is, “What do I tell my kids about this election?” It’s a valid question no matter who you supported. What DO we tell our kids about an election season that left all of us weary? What message do we send our kids about how we might respond to the change in leadership, regardless of our...

Protesting and Parenting

You probably recall a few months ago when San Francisco 49er’s football player Colin Kaepernick dominated the news. Not for his performance, but for his very visible stance against racism and police brutality by sitting/kneeling during the National Anthem. And, as recently as yesterday he has been back in the news with his decision not to vote in the presidential election.  Kaepernick is seemingly everywhere from social media to the cover of Time magazine and when I see him, I see my son. When I say that, it’s not meant to be symbolic or profound. I mean that they literally look like each other. I was first introduced to this guy in 2013. I was watching what I thought was a Beyoncé...
About a week ago, before the 2016 Presidential election, my kindergartner came home one day and announced that his class had held a vote. "We voted for our favorite cookie," he said proudly. "We voted for chocolate chip or Oreos. I voted for chocolate chip, and we won!" He was really, really excited that the cookie he voted for won the class election. Then, on Election Day, my husband and I loaded the kids up into the minivan and headed to the polling place and told our boys that Mama and Daddy were going to vote. We would have let them go into the voting booth with us, but during last year's gubernatorial race Noah, my kindergartener, was in the voting...

Finding Time for Fitness

Let's face it, our days as moms are FULL and often downright exhausting. Squeezing in time to workout can too often become our last priority. Over the past many months I've made it my goal to be more consistent with my exercise routine. Let me be honest, my commitment to physical activity had become nearly non-existent. I had come up with and exhausted just about every excuse in the book to get out of exercising. My body, my weight and overall energy were definitely suffering. Things had to change! I had to make my well-being a priority because when I feel good and get regular exercise I'm a more well-balanced person for my family. While I'm not at the gym...
When we started this journey way back when, I knew that with your rough and tough background there would be some expectations to raise our boys the same. I just knew they wouldn't be allowed to cry or that fighting would be the only way to resolve anything. I had already set myself up for the fight in our parenting differences. But I was wrong. So wrong. You see, it took me a while but eventually all surfaced how wrong I truly was.  You, a seemingly Southern man's man with your callus hands and caveman-like work ethic, don't "match" the boys we are raising. To society, boys like yours should be the biggest and the best of them all; they should want to excel in...

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Around Baton Rouge

Where to Find the Best King Cakes in Baton Rouge

Where to Find the Best King Cakes in Baton Rouge Are you a huge fan of those cinnamon-flavored dough rounds covered in sweet green, gold,...