
Baton Rouge mom

As a Baton Rouge mom, sometimes you simply need to connect with other local moms to hear their thoughts, perspectives and opinions about raising kids in Baton Rouge. The perspectives in parenting section of Red Stick Mom is focused on providing a place for readers to discover what other moms are thinking and how they are managing the ever-changing challenges that accompany the difficult job of being a parent.

There are many different perspectives on parenting and living in Baton Rouge with kids, and Red Stick Mom is a safe platform where these diverse opinions can be published and discussed. We strive to provide not just valuable information and resources to parents across Baton Rouge and the surrounding areas, but also a place to hear from other local moms and what they’re thinking about current issues facing families.

In our perspectives in parenting section, you’ll find lots of anecdotes and reflections on day-to-day life in Baton Rouge with kids. Our writers keep it real and are willing to share everything from what it’s like to not want to have a natural birth in Baton Rouge to why they chose ISR swim lessons in Baton Rouge to managing their time as a single mom.

Many of our perspectives in parenting stories offer an intimate look into the highs and lows of being a mom in Baton Rouge. Whether it’s avoiding the mom shame game, or the challenges of having multiple young kids, we think that the best way to work through motherhood is together. No topic is off limits, even if it means getting honest about body image issues for young girls in Baton Rouge.

The Red Stick Mom writers talk about important things that Baton Rouge moms need to know, like where to get the best tutoring help in Baton Rouge and where to take a day trip with kids when you just need to get out of town!

With more than 25 local moms writing for Red Stick Mom, we pride ourselves on being the premier parenting resource for living in Baton Rouge with kids. If there’s a topic or perspective that’s missing, we always invite our readers to let us know what they want to talk about next!

I've never been able to get much out of any 'how-to' parenting books. Maybe it's the part of me that hates being told what to do, but they never seem to help. A friend knew my distaste for them and suggested Bringing Up Bebe by Pamela Druckerman. After reading just the summary I could tell it was my kind of book. An American journalist, Druckerman is living abroad in France and gives birth to her first child. She quickly begins to notice the differences among French and American parenting styles and subsequently how the children behave. What I enjoy most is that it's simply an observation of some of the differences without saying one is right or wrong. A new perspective...

Family Game Night

With the constant hustle that is life these days, quality family time can be quite a challenge. Yet it is essential in order for the family to thrive and bond. Work here, school there, lessons, practices, and recitals make for lots of time in the car and minimal time at home. It seems to be that we’re only home to sleep Monday through Friday, so the weekends are often the only time we have to catch up and spend that quality time together. Sometimes it takes active planning and an expectation of tradition to ensure quality time is to be had. I’m constantly looking for new adventures to go on and experiences to be had by our family of three, but I also...
  In a recent discussion with an acquaintance about irrational fear (of storms), we were trying to suss out the root of her issue. The conversation turned light and funny when we both playfully poked fun at her ideas of what could happen. We were laughing at some of the ridiculousness and among that admitted cause for some valid concern. Yes, storms can totally be dangerous. No, a grey cloud does NOT mean that lightning is going to kill us all. We joked that being struck by lightning is the default measuring stick to communicate how often something isn’t going to happen. “You have a better chance of being struck by lightning than …(fill in the it’s-totally-not-going-to-happen thing here).” Her goal after our conversation:...
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Bartage & Anderson, Attorneys and Counselors at Law. These materials are for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. If you are interested in creating an estate plan, please call Ben Bartage at (225)364-9182 now through April 30th for special pricing or fill out this questionaire. With very reasonable fees, starting at just $500/person for an estate plan package consisting of a will, living will and durable power of attorney, Ben is happy to help give you the peace of mind that estate planning can bring. With tax season upon us, now is a great time to consider a way to use some of that "extra" return money coming in. We know this can be...

Raising an Older Child

When I was pregnant with my daughter, I learned that there is a lot of information out there about what to do with a baby. How to get your newborn on a sleep schedule or the perfect way to swaddle to keep them snug and warm. There are tons of advice columns for parents of infants and toddlers, but what happens when they get older? What happens when they start moving, talking and walking circles around you?There doesn't seem to be much in the way of articles and blogs on the older child. I am a mom of a 10-year-old son and 5-year-old daughter. They are both past the toddler stage. I have learned a few things over the years,...

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Around Baton Rouge

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...