Sleeping through the night...Ahh, the holy grail of those first few months with your baby: he’s adorable, she’s the love of your life, you can’t remember life before her, and WHEN WILL HE STOP WAKING YOU UP AT 3 A.M.? When we brought William home, he was a very small baby who desperately needed to gain weight. I was so concerned about him that I was happy to feed him every two hours. I’m pretty sure that pure adrenaline kept me going during those first few weeks. I rarely slept more than about 2 hours at a time. I am breastfeeding and felt like I didn’t have time to pump and let my husband take a turn. Also, for some...

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Around Baton Rouge

Gluten Free King Cakes in BR and Where to Find Them

IT'S HERE! King cake season is upon us, and both grocery stores and bakeries alike are stocking their shelves with the most delicious southern...