I recently went against my better judgement and had an exchange of words in the comment section of a friend’s Facebook post. Some (most likely) well-intentioned men decided to offer up their explanation about why something happened in order to downplay my friend’s fear of a potentially dangerous situation. One even suggested that she take down the post so as not to spark widespread panic throughout an entire city of women. As I witnessed my friend begin to doubt herself throughout the day, I knew I couldn’t hold it in any longer. So, I joined the discussion. I *might* have used the word “mansplain,” which apparently has become a bit of a trigger word for men. And seeing as it...
Real talk. I’ve got an infant and a toddler. TV time for me is nonexistent unless you count all the Mickey Mouse Club and Paw Patrol that is on while I’m cooking, cleaning and running around like a madwoman taking care of our family. I do have a couple of guilty pleasure shows I love, though. When I do have time (read 9pm when I’m folding clothes), I will catch up on a couple of shows - KUWTK being one of them. I’ve watched Keeping Up since it premiered 10+years ago and I follow the Kardashian’s social media accounts. The whole family has put themselves out there – especially Kim K. We have watched her grow and evolve, make relationship mistakes...
I can't believe I am even thinking about summer  and all that water safety right now. Did this year fly by or what? I am more than ready for summer to be here. Well, the kids are really ready for summer, me on the other hand, I'm happy to have them home, but not thrilled about the Louisiana heat. How do we beat this summer heat? With time in the water, of course. Along with all the water play comes the need to think about how to be safe around all types of water activities. Here are a few ways to play it safe around water. Water Safety :: playing it safe around water Summer is a time to relax, have...
Job loss is scary. Job loss as a parent is terrifying (and a single parent at that). It’s been two months since I received “the call.” The call that attempted to force my resignation and ended with job termination. I’m not going to go into detail around everything mostly because lawyers are still working out details, and I’m in no position to compromise whatever settlement I might receive. But it’s un fun, as my 4.5 year old would say … Practically, though, what comes with job loss?! I mean, the obvious thing is loss of income, BUT that’s the least of my worries. Now, was I in a hugely stable financial place? Not exactly, but I’m not truly scared about...
At 5:50 this morning, my 4-year-old daughter came into my bathroom and announced that she "didn't really tee the bed, but did." Great. What a way to start the day! I shouted to my husband, still in the bed, that she pottied in her bed, and we both automatically leaped into our Code Yellow protocol. Our crisis management team consists of me focusing on the child and him focusing on damage control. I stripped the kid; he stripped the bed. I bathed her; he washed the linens. I wiped the tears; he wiped the (praise God!) plastic mattress liner with a Clorox Wipe.  I was tired and annoyed and wanted to communicate that to her. But she did the right thing...

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Around Baton Rouge

Following The Pink and Gold Sparkly Road : How Joining a...

The Pink and Gold Sparkly Road : How Joining a Local Dance Krewe Enhanced my Life Three years ago, I was recovering from a devastating...