Disclosure: This post is sponsored by the Behavioral Intervention Group (BIG).  Experience BIG fun in our Social Skills Summer Camps! Although the weather has been hot for weeks now, the closing of school doors means summer is officially here for Baton Rouge families! From playdates in the park to family vacations at the beach, summer is full of exciting experiences for our kids. To get the most out of summer, we all want our children to enjoy playing with each other as much as possible, instead of playing with technology. How can you encourage your kids to get out and have fun in the sun, especially those children who may be shy and uncomfortable in social settings? While some children acquire social skills...
Multi-tasking. Outside of laundry and cleaning bathrooms, it is the bane of my existence. I hate multi-tasking. So why do I? I do this out of necessity, not out of love for it. I truly wish I had more time in the day – more time to clean, fold clothes, prepare meals, prepare for the next day, cuddle with both of the kids at separate times, play with them, sit down to eat a meal, spend more time building robots and playing pretend with the toddler, exercising ... and the list goes on and on. I wish I could sit down and have a conversation with my husband in the evening, giving him all of my attention and energy...
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Our Lady of the Lake. Cultivating Competent and Confident Children Our children learn and develop healthy life scoping skills when they’re given enough freedom to fail sometimes. But helicopter parenting, the tendency to hover and become over-involved in a child’s life, is common among parents today. Well-meaning parents try to protect their child from consequences or failure, but may end up hindering development of their child’s competence and confidence. We, as parents, need to learn when involving ourselves is a good or a bad thing. Sometimes we have to suppress that innate urge to fix  everything. Think of it as allowing your children to become the best version of themselves at each stage development: children, teens then young...
Until recently, I worked full-time in a traditional office setting. Every morning, I followed the same routine. I woke up at 4:30AM to begin the mad dash of getting myself and the kids ready to leave the house by 6:20AM. I struggled to keep my sanity as I dropped one child to daycare and two others to elementary school so that I could make it to work for 7AM. The stressful mornings weren’t the half of it. After enduring eight stressful and demanding hours at work, I raced back to school to pick up children before the carpool cut off. Once we finally made it home after after-school activities, we rushed through dinner and homework in an attempt to...

I WORK from Home

I am a work from home mom. I also work from my car, the bath, in between "My Little Pony" movies, at the gym (if I make it), and everywhere in between. When I was pregnant, I saw the cost of childcare. I was flabbergasted and thought, I will just work from home. I thought it would be that simple. I realize that many others think it is just that easy too. You see my feed with playtimes and scheduling playdates. You don't realize that I am just trying to make sure that my child gets some resemblance of playtime and I can tune out to answer calls. You don't know that those pictures happen because I don't want...

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Following The Pink and Gold Sparkly Road : How Joining a...

The Pink and Gold Sparkly Road : How Joining a Local Dance Krewe Enhanced my Life Three years ago, I was recovering from a devastating...