There’s so much talk about COVID-19 in the present, but what about once we can leave our homes again?  Moms are going to need a break. They are going to need to decompress. Now, before the “they’re your kids group” starts protesting, KNOW THIS.... we love our children. And truthfully, there are very few people we trust more than ourselves with them. However, just like a good workout, rest is necessary.  Personal time is necessary. So when the Social Distancing is lifted, reach out to a mom.  She will need you.  It doesn’t matter if she is a single mom, a married mom, a mom living with her mom, a rich mom, or an economically disadvantaged mom...she will need you. ...
Two years ago, this month, we were in the midst of a medication cycle to prepare my body for our second and final frozen embryo transfer. That period in time was filled with anxiety and hope. I can’t imagine what I would have done or how I would have felt if my doctors had called to tell me I couldn’t finish my cycle, we would have to delay the embryo transfer and they weren’t sure how long it would be before I could start another medication cycle again. I can’t imagine what it feels like to have to delay your deepest desires to build your family. Six years ago, we were longing for a child, longing for a successful pregnancy...
Those three little words set my skin on fire every single time I hear them: Let's go back to the Good Ole Days (aka) when things were easier for me and my privilege was not checked? Hear me out for a moment: Don't read my very first sentence and get all defensive, I know full well that when my mom says something similar she means: ("I want to go back to when my mom was still alive, you saw your family every single day, and leaving your door unlocked was completely normal".) I assume that most people feel this way, in some small way we all miss childhood and the simplicity of it. HOWEVER, when a politician or someone in power makes...
There are playdates, pregnancy groups, and mommy groups of many kinds. I see them at parks or whenever I’m scrolling my newsfeed on Facebook. I think that’s awesome, after all- giving birth is some WORK, y’all. It takes its toll on the body, on the spirit, and on self-confidence. Afterward, we mamas have months of sleepless nights, leaky breasts, and crying babies. We hear going into motherhood how HARD pregnancy can be, newborns can be, toddlers can be, and then we quickly discover that everybody was right as soon as our babies hit all of those milestones. There’s just a part of parenthood that isn’t talked about as much, and I’ve yet to see any support groups for it… TEENAGERS. RAISING TEENAGERS IS HARD AF. Give...
Just as you are now, I’ve read hundreds of blogs on being a mom. I admit that many of them are geared towards the single mom and often times it leaves me wondering if I’m doing something wrong as a “married mom.” Now this is not to slight single moms at all, because I truly tip my hat to your ability to balance it all without the help of a mate. However, often times that balancing act becomes overwhelming to me as well. The mounds of laundry, endless activities, hours of homework, play dates, etc. And then being a wife. If I am being totally honest, there are days that I want to crawl UNDER my bed and hide...

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Around Baton Rouge

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...