One afternoon after sending my force-fed children off into the glass-enclosed zoo exhibit that is the Chick-fil-a playground, I began my ritual of grazing waffle fries dipped in sauce. Without my own children there for me to beg not to lick the table or repeatedly state the necessary amount of nuggets to eat before playing, I’m left to watch the other restaurant patrons. It’s no surprise that most of them are moms with children. There are a few adults without kids, and I can’t help but wonder what their deal is. Why would anyone prefer sitting in this chaos over chilling in a quiet car if they didn’t have to!?! But, I digress. In between counting my children through the...
In an effort to raise money to send my son to summer camp, I recently hosted a garage sale. Just the thought of doing all that work is probably enough to make any mom nauseated, but I also enjoy a good challenge and the feeling of a hard-earned dollar. And I'll take any and all opportunities to clean my house and convince my husband to purge it of unnecessary things. The problem is my definition of "unnecessary" is so broad that it usually applies to anything that's not currently in use and not moving at the time.  In an ideal world, I'd be a minimalist. I'm sure from the outside, my wardrobe indicates that I already am. I have weird...

Why Moms Blog

Blogging has become a phenomenon over the last decade, gaining mega steam with the addition of social media. Everyone can name at least one person on their friend list who has taken on this endeavor. Now that I have become completely immersed in the blog world, I think I might have stumbled upon some reasons why moms blog. We need someone to bear witness.  Seeing as most mom bloggers are stay at home moms, writing or posting about their day gives them and everyone else concrete evidence of what took place. It's like the philosophical question, "If a tree falls in the forest ... ?" Only for stay at home moms, the question would be "If a baby cries all day...
If the first step is admitting you have a problem then I'm saying it:  I have a problem. A serious problem. I'm addicted to my cell phone. This is not a teenage problem as some believe; this is MY problem, and it's been a while since I was a teenager.  I've known that I spend too much time on my cell phone for a while, but I hadn't realized just how consuming it was until I forgot my phone at home one day. It was literally all I could think about while I was at work. I kept wondering if I had left it on the roof of my car and it flew off and every picture I've ever taken of...
We're the type of parents who call body parts by their anatomically-correct title. Elbow. Ankle. Penis. No big deal. When I was pregnant for my third child, my oldest asked when the baby was going to come out my "bagina." My grandmother thinks it's uncomfortably progressive and even questioned, "But what if they say it at school?!" Honestly, they wouldn't. Unless, of course, something were wrong with their penis or bagina. Because to them the term isn't taboo. It's not a punchline. They have no more reason to say one of those words to get a laugh than they would to say "ear" or "thumb."  It's only gotten us into trouble twice. Once, I whispered to my son in a...

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Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...