Many of us would love to live in a world where color is a non-issue. The truth is, though, we don’t and that is okay. I actually quite enjoy living in a world where we can celebrate differences. The statement “what makes us different, is what makes us beautiful” may be cliché, but it’s so true.
I recently have heard some backlash over the whole “Black Girl Magic” movement. People often trend against things they do not understand, and I think it’s time that we as women and mothers address the topic.
I find my unique, different and minority skin color absolutely fascinating. That is how I feel now, but while growing up it was difficult. There wasn’t a lot of celebration for people that looked like me. I couldn’t find myself in my peers, teachers, or television personalities. I know there is a better representation in today’s pop culture, but minorities are still far behind. Being that I am both a black woman and a mother of a sweet little black girl, the Black Girl Magic movement is a God send. How I wish there would have been something like this out there when I was coming up.
What It’s All About ::
We can agree (hopefully) that minorities have been oppressed in our country for many years and women even more so. The BGM movement is all about self-love, pride and community. It has given a voice to black girls and women all over our nation. The goal is empowerment, but also education. The movement is designed to include people of all races and creeds in addition to informing them about the achievements and capabilities of black women.
Why It’s Needed ::

If we are being honest, we live in the height of social media, reality television, and hashtags. The bottom line is … it’s catchy and captures folks’ attention. For so long, black women and girls have felt ignored and cast aside in so many areas similarly to our white counter parts during the women’s liberation movement. When a group is acknowledged for greatness in areas of beauty, fashion, education, academy awards etc., black females are often left off the list. Thus, we have the birth of the BGM movement. Now that we’ve gotten people’s attention, our voices can be heard. I see this movement as a modern day “pull up yourself up by the bootstraps” ideal. If no one else will encourage you, do it yourself! Black women are one of the highest ranking groups amongst college graduation ratings. They also account for a large amount of the continuing education group.
It’s More Than a Saying ::
When a group of people have felt like they were held down for so long, no one should judge the process of how they rise. Instead, we should cheer them on and aid in the liberation process. I have seen generations of black women set free and wounds mended all because of a trendy hashtag. It’s so much more than a little saying. It is in no way putting any other group of women down. Black women have had such a long journey and now we have been encouraged to be proud of who we are–to believe our hair is beautiful, to believe our bodies are sexy, (yes, even mom bods) and to know that we are intelligent. It feels amazing and I am so proud.
So, yes I believe in Black Girl Magic. I want my daughter to believe in it. I want her to embrace every piece of herself and for her to know that it’s okay that her hair is different than her friends at school. I want the world to believe in Black Girl Magic, because it’s real, and it’s beautiful!