So Eggs Are $7 … Let’s Find a Substitute

So Eggs are $7, Let’s Substitute Those Eggs

Have you seen the price of eggs lately? This time last year, the price for a dozen eggs was under $2. Between the avian flu and inflation, the average price of eggs is currently over $4. I told my boys I remember when eggs were under $1. My oldest asked if that was back before television. I’m hoping that eventually, prices will decrease. Because we all have dreams…

Eggs contribute to the consistency, moisture, and leavening of your dishes. So the key is finding ingredients that could be substituted with minimal or no difference to dishes. Also, the ingredients have to be easy to find.

In order to accommodate the lack of eggs and the price increase, I’ve made a list of egg substitutions for our favorite baked goods to share.  

For cakes and cookies…

adding a quarter cup of unsweetened applesauce will substitute for one egg. The applesauce is more dense than an egg and is sweeter. Adding a teaspoon of baking soda will make the baked goods fluffier.

For crusts, pancakes, and bread…

bananas are a great substitution. One banana will substitute for one large egg. Bananas are great for moisture but not for fluffiness. They have a very distinct taste so you have to lean in to the banana flavor.

For cakes and breads…

there’s heavy cream as a substitute for eggs. Coconut cream also works. This adds to the creaminess and moisture. 

For brownies…

there’s silken tofu. It has a creamy dense structure. The brownies will be moist. 

For all things…

there’s yogurt. One quarter cup of yogurt substitutes for one egg. It has to be the full fat variety. Yogurt adds really good moisture.

When eggs are in short supply, just get creative. There are other ways to make delicious baked goods without eggs. 


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