
Tag: marriage

Separate Roles, Equal Partnership {How Things Work Around Here Part 2}

Any given day this mama is responsible for grocery shopping, laundry, dishes, cooking, dusting, vacuuming, bathrooms, and all the scrubbing in the whole house....

Why I Choose to Put My Husband First

Being a mom is hard!  We somehow have to be an entertainer, a cook, a maid, a doctor, give magic hugs and scare away...

Celebrate Your Husband

In light of Father's Day this month, I find myself thinking about ways to celebrate my husband. Should I have our little one make him...

Supporting Your Spouse

I’m sure most of us have heard the bible verse from Ephesians 5:24.  Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit...

Heart Check: Making My Spouse a Priority

I bought this necklace the December after we had Judah.  It falls right above my heart and seemed like the perfect "push present" (to myself),...